I, Doron Pepperscone, have spent the last few days looking back at 2007. There were lots of highs and several lows. Let’s look back on 2007.
Here are the lows in no particular order:
1 – Working as a content manager for an internet company in Hollywood. I was underpaid and underappreciated. I was laid off and given absolutely no notice. Here’s how it went:
The Owner: “Hey Doron, we’re holding off internet production. We’re letting you go.”
Me: “Oh, when’s my last day?”
The Owner: “Tomorrow.”
Fuck them.
2 – Brian Surewood’s latest troubles. Brian is a great guy and I hope he pulls through this. He’s one of the people that make this business tolerable.
3 – The fiasco with Chico and Haley. Not a day goes by without me thinking of them and my time with them. I’m still in a somewhat shock about it all.
4 – My dad’s health getting worse and worse.
5 – Having to deal with morons on “liquid courage” at a nightclub I work at a few nights a week in Santa Monica.
6 – Breaking up with Jennifer. She was and still is a great girl. I’m an emotional wreck and the entire thing was my fuck up. On the bright side she loved giving me bj’s while her mom was in the other room. Weird
The Highs of 2007 in no particular order:
1 – Getting a phone call from Chico Wang (out of the blue) back in March or April while I was working at the Hollywood Adult Video company. We spoke in detail of how he was going to leave Anabolic/Diabolic and his web ventures that were sure to follow. He wanted me to come back, perform, and edit various other content. 2007 looked bright.Too bad he wouldn’t make it, though.
2 – Getting the night gig as a bouncer to supplement my income. I was making chump change at the Hollywood company and needed the extra cash to get by. Make money while talking to hot chicks and toss out the occasional moron? Where do I sign up?
3 – Taking my 10 year-old niece to her first ever concert. Who did she see? RUSH at the Hollywood Bowl on 7/21, Amazing fucking show!
4 – My brother and his girlfriend recently getting married.
5 – Getting a phone call from Billy Watson back in July. Here’s how it went:
Billy: “Doron!, sup man?”
Me: “I’m ok, just doing the bouncing shit. Chico is nowhere to be found.Heard from him?”
Billy: “No. Listen, do you know how to edit?”
Me: “Yeah, I’m pretty good with Premiere Pro. In fact, I was supposed to edit for Chico before he got into his latest shit.”
Billy: “Cool man. Listen, Cherry Poppens used to be my P.A. I need someone to edit, set up lights, handle paperwork, etc. You cool with that?”
Me: “Fuck yeah! Let’s do this!!”
Billy: “Cool, meet me tomorrow at my studio and we’ll talk further. Here’s the address………..”
Me: “I’ll be there”
Billy: “You get the job on one condition”
Me: “And that would be?”
Billy: “You gotta find out the contact information for my favorite band, Wilco. I want them to do a bukkake with Barbie Cummings!”
Ok, that last part didn’t happen but that phone call took me from being “The Minion” to being D. Pepperscone.
The last 52 weeks have been interesting. The upcoming year will see D. Pepperscone in a new light.