I’m here at the Manojob.com studio waiting for replacement talent for a porn chick who flaked on us. Who fucked us over? Let’s just say it was raining HER and dogs a few days ago. While I’m waiting for agents to call back it’s given me a few moments to look back on the very few individuals in the business who make my job easier and tolerable. The follow is in no particular order:
Gia Paloma – This super make-up artist is always there with a smile on her face and a work ethic that’s second to none. Her magic lies in that she takes porn chicks from a 3 to a 10 on the “hotness” scale once she’s done her make-up wonders on them. Gia is also what you’d call ” a cool chick”.
Adrianna Nicole – Adrianna dubbed me “Doron Pepperscone” some months ago and it’s stuck. When she’s not talking about bowel movements, farting in public, or dreaming of massaging my prostate she’s giving phenomenal scenes. Again, another “cool chick”
Audrey Elson – She packed up her car and made the trek to Porn Valley. She’s a pleasure to be around and is one tall drink of water.She’s all woman. She came on to me the other day and I said,”Whoa, I think of you as a sister. This is inappropriate!” Ok, that last part didn’t happen but she rounds up #3 on the “cool chick” list.
Harley Valley – I’m in love. Let’s move on
Johnny Fender– He’s someone I consider a good friend. He always manages to make me smile even when I want to punch a hole in the wall. He’s funny as fuck and his pop shots turn girls into walking glazed donuts.
FaceBlaster– When the late Chico Wang was shooting for Diabolic he had a series called “No Swallowing Allowed”. Wang put the call out for dudes to come and drain their DNA on a chick. Faceblaster stepped up to the plate and his loads are amazing. It’s been 4 years since I first met him. He’s also someone I can come to and he is the voice of reason since I can be irrational at times
Mike “Mr Personality” Hash- Good guy. Huge pops. He keeps to himself and doesn’t creep anyone out. If you ever encounter him remind him that he looked great as the Pied Piper.
Ricky D – Good Guy. His shooting skills are flawless and he’s going to make big waves in ’08
The Watson bros.- Both run a well oiled machine in manojob.com, chelci fox, thedicksuckers.com, and no way am i gay.com. They are the most level headed people I have ever worked for in this business. Tony and Billy are the dynamic duo and I’m fortunate to be part of their inner circle.