Last week I caught Tinted Windows on Letterman, and when I watched them play on TV, I had no idea who they were.
Last night I caught Tinted Windows at The Troubadour; it was their second show…ever. (They played at SXSW last month).
You could make a pie graph from last night’s crowd: I was part of the Bun E. Carlos piece o’ pie, which included pretty much any middle-aged dork in the audience; Gia Paloma, my date, was part of the Hanson crowd — the largest piece o’ pie — which pretty much was any twenty-something girl crowding the front of the stage. The smallest slice o’ pie was the Pumpkins piece.
I’m pretty sure anyone who’s a Smashing Pumpkins fan will hate Tinted Windows simply cause of the Hanson brother.
I don’t know what a Fountains of Wayne fan looks like, so they will represent not one single piece in my pie graph.
I love Tinted Windows cause of Taylor Hanson, but No Way Am I Gay.
I love Tinted Windows cause they rock…and No Way Am I Gay.
“I didn’t get bored once during the show!” Gia Paloma said while we People-Watched in front of The Troubadour as the crowd let out.
To which I replied, “Taylor Hanson wore white jeans, which means he’s a Power Bottom. I think that’s an unwritten part of the Hanky Code.”
“He’s married! He has four children!” Gia exclaimed.
To which I replied, “Then he’s a Closet Power Bottom.”
Gia and I walked into the place with James Iha. We aren’t friends or anything…I mean we just walked in the same time he was walking in, and I said hello to him, which is kinda silly, cause, like I said, I don’t know him, and I’m not a huge Smashing Pumpkins fan — but I kinda like them. I like James Iha now cause he was really friendly and he smiled as he said hello back…like he meant it.
On the way out I was hoping to run into Bun E. Carlos, but that didn’t happen.
Goddamn I love catching shows at really small venues.
Taylor Hanson sure did sweat a whole lot, which made most of the twenty-something girls squeal like they were 12 again.
Bun E. Carlos wore white gloves as he smashed on his kit; he’s also lost quite a lot of weight since his Cheap Trick days.
James Iha is kinda boring to watch, but he can play the fuck out of the guitar.
Since I wasn’t standing anywhere near the bassist, and I’ve never listened to Fountains of Wayne, I have nothing to say about him.
Did I mention I scored tickets to both Wilco shows at The Wiltern in June?
Woot woot!