I’m watching a gang bang as I type this. For real. I dunno where the actual scene is gonna end up – DVD or internet – and I don’t think it even has a name yet. I do know the scnario: it’s located at a sperm donor office, and there’s a cute little asian “managing” the office (Keymore Cash) and it’s going to be her job to collect all the sperm.
Looks like she’s got quite a job ahead of her.
Why the white suits? Since it isn’t my production, I really can’t say. But it certainly adds to the creepiness factor, so score some extra pervy points for the sicko-producer who thought it up.
It was a sweltering day in Los Angeles, and the studio has no air conditioning. Before the sex even starts, I could feel the place get about 10 degrees hotter just from the additional people milling around – and sex hadn’t even started…yet. I ran around the room with a clip board and a piece of paper, scouting out the new guys with potential. And, of course, I wouldn’t know what anyone’s potential really is until I watched the gang bang go down. Gotta see the dicks perform, you know?
There were some veterans there, too…you might even recognize a few of them from the group photo. What a motley crew! It was almost a who’s-who of B and C rate male talent, brand new male talent…and all real perverts. There’s Guy DeSilva! Remember Kyle Strong? Randy Rodman’s in da house, as well as Jeremy Steele and Spoonie Styles!
And when the sex started, shit got real weird, real fast. Dudes who seem friendly and easy going turn shitty real fast – a total Jekyll and Hyde side show thing. The instant cameras started rolling all the dudes started jacking off, working up a hard-on, and leering. A total creep show! And There was so much testosterone in this place I think, at one point, it starting to ooze from of the walls. Between everyone clamouring all over the place to grab a piece of ass and the random beating off, it was a total freak show.
When I shot the Spring Thomas gang bang things were more relaxed. Now, I’ll admit, it wasn’t really a gang bang (it was really a boy/girl sex scene with a blow bang tossed in just for fun) but it still makes me wonder why things weren’t as crazy on my set: 15 more guys? The fact they’re all getting some pussy? Maybe cause the brothers aren’t as high strung as the white dudes? Maybe a little of everything I just mentioned?
I have no clue.
I sat back with The Asian Man and talked shop while the madness went down. The Asian Man! He rules. The Asian Man scores chicks simply by being The Asian Man. Chicks e-mail that lil’ yellow fucker all the time! They want to bang-bang with The Asian Man!! Why don’t any chicks ever e-mail me wanting to bang-bang? And then, while The Asian Man was showing me his site, I noticed none other than the lovely Miss Jayma Reed! Right there on his tour! Which made me think of this beautiful haiku:
Oh, Jayma! Silly
ex-Mormon girl! Never did
You mention cream pies!
As I look out into the studio, they’re DPing Keymore Cash, who, just 6 months ago, was only 17. She’s a big girl now, with a big girl’s job. Soon, it’ll be time to dump cum all over her sweaty, Far-East beauty. I’ll be there, close by, scouting whatever talent is out on that floor. Let’s see which one of you fuckin’ pervs can come up with the best Money Shot.
She’s a gene pool, alright…a cummy mess. The thing that freaks me out is a lot of these dudes have no problem coming in contact with other dude’s sperm. When I tell you her stomach was a gene pool, I mean it. And yet here they are, stepping up to the plate, mixing it up with all that sperm. And from my vantage point, there were a couple dudes with a pretty hefty money shot, so I run back to my clipboard and make notes.
Just then, the doorbell rings; my pizza is here. Extra-thin crust, with sausage and mushrooms. Y que papas!
I just hope the pizza dude doesn’t call the cops with all the screaming and moaning going down.