Ginger Lynn: Um…does my shit stink. You know I’m gonna be a smart ass during this, right?
ISP: You are a smart ass, but I love it. Where does that come from?
GL: My father. He’s a smart ass. His father, too. And my namesake — my great-grandmother, whose nick name was Ginger, not because of her rad hear, but because of she was feisty. Example: my great-grandparents husband swamped! They just got tired of this husbands and swamped them out. This is in the 1920’s, when people really didn’t think about this…let alone do it. So, my smartassiness is hereditary and genetic.
ISP: The Mormons did a whole lot of that.
GL: The men did. They initiated that. Not the women. Just like “nice girls” — 26 years ago — never got into porn. In the early 80’s there was really no such thing as DVD/VCR/video. It was out there, but it was really expensive for consumers to buy a VCR. So everything was still shot on film. The girls who made films weren’t your “girls next store”, either. Maybe your girl on the corner. Of course there were exceptions: Seka and Marilyn Chambers and Vanessa Del Rio. My point is that I have a pre-disposition to go again the norm…as did my father, my grandfather…my great-grandfather.
ISP: Your first dirty movie?
GL: First movie I was cast in was Surrender in Paradise shot in conjunction with a little bit of hanky-panky. I agreed to do these films having never fucked in front of a camera before. I signed the contract, made the deal, and then got scared! I called my agent and said, “I don’t know if I can do this.” He said, “I think you need to do an 8mm Mike Carpenter shoot. No sound. It will only be seen in .25 cent video arcades. I was paid $200 to do two scenes. I walked on to the set in an apartment in Santa Monica, vomited in my mouth — then swallowed it — in order to maintain some sort of professionalism. But then, I realized if I could fuck this fat, smelly, hairy, old disgusting man I could fuck anybody. Fortunately for me my first position was doggy, and luckily Ron Jereny’s dick was big enough to satisfy me…as long as I didn’t have to look at him. I finished the scene, saw Tommy Byron walk in — in all his scrawny, skinny glory — and knew I was at home.
ISP: This rules. I love the history of this biz.
GL: I then flew to Kauai, Hawaii, did my first “official scene” on film with Jerry Butler, wearing my red prom dress. I have pictures of me, at my senior prom, in the dress…and then later, in that same dress, having my first orgasm on camera. Obviously fucking on film wasn’t a problem. It was a pleasure. Dialogue, on the other hand, was a whole different story. After completing my first official sex scene on camera, I was asked to jog along a dirt path while Jerry Butler rode along side me, yelling obscenities. I was supposed to respond to it, and if laughter was the correct response, I would have been doing my job. Every time I looked at the guy running alongside me, I’d just start laughing. We did this for four hours. I couldn’t say my line! We finally shut down the set. Later that night Jerry Butler came to my condo and asked me a bunch pf personal questions: my family, what it was like growing up in Illinois, that sort of thing. I thought we were having a moment, until Jerry threw me down on the bed, began to rip my clothes off, and began to disgrace my family…everything he asked me he turned into something ugly. I fought back. He stood up backed away. Jerry threw my script at me and said, “now do your dialogue!” I never had a dialogue problem after that. It was the best acting lesson I’ve ever had.
ISP: So what happens with you and Jerry after?
GL: Jerry and I fall in lust. He asked me to marry him. He carves our name in a tree. He makes me a necklace out of sea shells and fishing wire, We’re in love. The next day he tells me the make-up artist, who hates me, wants to habe a three way. I decide I’m gonna ask the make-up artist, so I do…and she says, “what!? Jerry told me you wanted the three way…and you hated me!”
ISP: I always hated Jerry Butler as male talent. If I rented a video and he was in it, I just hit FF.
GL: Jerry’s Jerry. Anyways…the make-up artist and I decide to grant Jerry’s wish. We all three go back to my condo, we tie Jerry to the bed, and the make0up artist and I make love in front him…and then we leave to have dinner. We left Jerry there, and no one found him til the next day. She and I became best friends…and Jerry and I broke up.
ISP: Tell us something about John Holmes no one knows.
GL: Ummm…I’m sure someone knows this, but John had a sweet, loving kind generous side to him. It’s the only side I ever saw. I agreed to fuck John and was very excited. Once again I didn’t think it through…so I flew to San Francisco, talked to the make-up artist (cause they always know all the dirt) and told her “I don’t think I can take that. It’s bigger than my arm!” So make-up lady tells me to come with her…puts me in the closet. A few minutes later the door opens, and it’s the make-up artist and Amber Lynn. Amber comes in to the closet. A couple minutes later, it’s the make-up artist and she’s leading John Holmes by the penis. Puts him in the closet, tells Amber and I to get on our knees, then she gets on her knees, and the three us of sucked him off til he came. And then I wasn’t scared no more! But I lie…cause now the cock we all sucked was going to have to go into my tiny little pussy. Bigger than my arm. Not gonna fit. I mention this to the director, who has a brain storm. His thought is to hang two chains and a bar on the ceiling and lower me on to John’s penis…that was the only way I would be able to handle it. John had a rep for not being able to get it all the way hard. As they lowered me on to his penis, my pussy opened up like The Pink Sea, and John’s cock got fully hard…and it slipped right in. And, according to Laura Holmes, her and I were the only two girls to ever get him fully hard.
ISP: How did one get into the porno game back in the day?
GL: Move to California from Illinois. Loser boyfriend with a big car payment followed. Couldn’t make ends meet. Answered an ad in the paper for “Stripping at Bachelor Parties”. Once again, didn’t think it through…got to my first “bachelor party” and got scared and left. I ran out. The party followed me out and they beat up my boyfriend. So I went back to the paper and answered an ad for “figure modeling — $500 to $5000 a day.” I posed for Penthouse the next day. I modeled for three months before I went to that apartment in Santa Monica.
ISP: I’m gonna toss some names out there. Just react. Peter North is the first.
GL: I loved working with Peter North. He’s a good fuck, but he hated when people touched his hair…so I’d be fucking him, and get him all hot and bothered…and then I’d fuck with his hair.
ISP: Tom Byron.
GL: He was like my big brother…only we fucked.
ISP: Traci Lords.
GL: Hope the bitch’s tits rot and fall off. She’s a back-stabbing, two-faced cunt and a whore. Now, do you want me to tell you how I really feel?
ISP: Christy Canyon.
GL: Christy’s Christy. I was the first girl who ever licked her pussy, and I put Rachel Perry Cosmetics on the map. Her lip gloss / lip balm, actually. My advice to girls who’ve never licked pussy before, back in the 80’s, was to put Rachel Perry’s lip balm on the pussy lips because it’s hard to lick off. Most girls licking pussy for the first time aren’t really gonna get down there and eat it…so this was how I taught them to lick pussy.
ISP: Nina Hartley.
GL: I’ve known Nina for 26 years, been a lot of movies with her…in the same scenes in 6 different movies, and somehow never was cast to have sex with Nina…and we didn’t have sex until six months ago. When Ginger Met Nina…Triangle Films.
ISP: Where’s this biz headed?
GL: To hell. And back again. Never mind…we’re already been there. And if Ron Jeremy will retire and Traci Lords will drop dead, then we’ll be back where we belong.

man o man…shes not not lookin to good. 47/48 years old she looks to be in her 60’s.
Nice interview Billy my boy!! Very nice interview. Spanked it to her so many times. When you were sitting there did you have flashbacks?
If this isn’t your best post…well, damn, it’s in your top two. I loved the history, I loved the stories and Jesus, she has filled out perfectly. A fine woman ages like a good wine and Miss Lynn is better than any cabernet that France has ever produced.
Spelling errors. Correct them. Please.
Ginger! I hope you hired her for a EatSomeAss clip?
no Charlie Sheen question?
This old bitch is just tired looking…but I gotta admit I would still bend her over once or twice.
dang….looks 47 going on 60!…..fuck, she looks really skanked up…..esp. that last pic….she’s flashing begging for crack…..total white trash.
Everybody needs to get back to fucking reality! how many 50 year old chicks do you know look as good as Ginger Lynn does. Granted she never was the hottest porn star in her prime but damn stop the hating!
I’m with Rick…I’d still bend her over and give it to her in the ass. I’ve jacked many a load to this legend of porn.
Overrated in the looks department from day one. Not ugly, but far from hot.
Hot cunted
I am in my 20`s and I would fuck her!! I jerk off over her weekly! She is a MILF!!
Why does she hate Traci Lords?
Not sure why she’s hated but I’ve got an idea that it could be due to that interview she had with Oprah where she talked about her involvement in the porn industry and her autobiography. She said a lot of things which put her down as the wounded party but despite the favorable reviews, the book met with criticism from adult film industry insiders, some of whom accused Lords of lying. Co-workers from that time such as Ron Jeremy, Ginger Lynn and Tom Byron said they never saw her use drugs and insisted she was always fully aware of her actions. One of her co-workers from that time, Christy Canyon, said about Lords’ autobiography, “I think her book could have been fabulous, except that she was lying throughout the whole thing.”
The reason she hates Traci Lords is because Traci lied and said she was older than she really was when she started doing porn. In reality she did every movie, every seen except one as a minor and almost brought the porn industry down. When she was discovered to have been underage, which Ginger has said numerous times she thinks Traci turned herself in, she testified that she was forced to do porn the whole time, forced to do drugs during every movie. Its funny as the only legal age Traci Lords movie was produced by Traci herself so after reaching a point of being one of the most popular porn stars of the time, as a minor, she made sure no one but her can make money from her movies by doing only that one at 18. Ginger at the time was one of her best friends and knows Traci lied about how it happened. I mean come on Traci was living with Tom Byron and he didn’t know she was only 16, Traci is a pathological liar. When the investigation was concluded Ginger, and many others, were almost charged as a sex offenders and Ginger was charged with tax evasion.
That was a classic era in adult film history.
The girl’s now are better looking, but the
actual sex then was better. There was much
More of a stigma regarding a girl working on
a cock then. It is not shocking now, and the
Idea of the girl next door blowing a dick on
Film no longer seem’s taboo.
God bless those once gorgeous whore’s
Of yesteryear!
I hate seeing so much negativity being directed at Ginger.
She’s a sweet lady and a talented actress.
And I don’t care what anyone says, she was the prettiest looking girl in the business.