I’d link back to them, but their reporting is so fucking terrible they don’t deserve it; in fact, anyone who had a hand in writing this entry deserves a sock in the nose…but I would never hit a person. It’s against my good nature.
Why do they deserve to get smacked around? The same reason any erroneous reporter deserves to be smacked around — cause they’re erroneous. There’s nothing more sacred than The Truth. There’s nothing more powerful than The Written Word. And there’s nothing worse than a journalist who doesn’t know the facts.
Well, I can think of some stuff that’s worse — the leak in the Gulf of Mexico right now that BP is responsible for; Fox News; a poorly-made latte; women forced to wear berkas and denied basic civil liberties; Iron Man 2; the holocaust; as well as the latest Jack White project, “Dead Weather”.
Media Take Out’s big fuck up? Their description of Aryanna’s Cumbang scene: “the men were all wearing CONFEDERATE FLAG T-SHIRTS . . . and they spit on her and called her THE N WORD while they did their business with her.”
Fucking dopes! Not once is the “N WORD” dropped in Cumbang — in any scene — including Aryanna’s.
Fucking morons! Not once is a girl spit on in Cumbang — in any scene — including Aryanna’s.
Cumbang is simply a revenge site. Think of it as a sanction for African-American women who want to even the score. Why? Well, it’s very simple: all the women on this site have black boyfriends who have cheated on them with a snowbunny.
Or Snow Bunny.
Just depends on how you want to write it out.
If I was a black woman, I’d place Snow Bunny on the list I just gave for Everything Bad in The World — right after Jack White’s new band.
Can you think of a better place to get revenge on your cheatin’ ass niggah boyfriend than with a buncha dirty, red-neck crackers in a warehouse somewhere outside of Hemet, CA?
I think not.
OK Ok ok — fine. Here’s the link to Media Take Out’s entry I’m referring to. I’ll go ahead and give it out just so you can read some of the General Publics’ reaction to this whole deal.
Some of the comments made my morning.
The best reaction, however, is the e-mail my producer just received: hey people, i read this post late and i am very concerned. the site that show this young lady in action is ghettogagers.com which is owned by D&E media, LLC which is headquartered in east orange, nj. as I type this I have e-mailed and written letters to the following: oprah winfrey, Michael baisden, al sharpton and the national action network, 100 blacks in law enforcement, the NJ attorney-general, the us attorney-general, the NJ governors office, all the NJ state senators(one of which lives in the same town this company is headquartered), all the NJ assembly people who represent this district, both us senators from NJ, all the us congress people from this area, the FBI, the IRS, the department of justice, as well as the mayor of the city of east orange. if all of you do the same as me, this company and the trash they produce will be eliminated and they will be no more. although most of their work is protected by the first amendment, they are going well beyond what protects them in the constitution. black women don’t deserve this treatment, for that much, people don’t deserve this treatment
At least this dude got his facts straight about the dirty web sites Ms. Starr has appeared on — if she appeared on Ghetto Gaggers at all.
I’ve shot Aryanna a whole buncha times — twice for Gloryhole-Initiations, once for Cumbang, and once for the world’s greatest interracial website — Blacks on Blondes.
We took a trip to some infamous gloryholes around the SoCal area. Here’s some free Aryanna Star Gloryhole pictures and movies. In fact, she had such a good time, Aryanna came back for seconds.
You already know about her Cumbang appearance — here’s some free Aryanna Star Cumbang pictures and movies.
Finally, Aryanna played a farmer raising chickens with her hubby (played by Byron Long). They try and secure a loan from the bank, and the lending officer, Brooklyn Jade, visits their chicken farm — only to deny them the loan. (You know what happens next). Here’s some free Aryanna Starr pictures and movies from her Blacks on Blondes scene.
Oh, and before you start hating on me, and talkin’ shit about how I had them play chicken farmers cause black people loved fried chicken, just know that there’s a dude who lives close to a studio I use who really raises chickens, and they were loud that day, and to save our editor a ton of post-production work, we just went with the chicken thang.
Here’s my last word on this for today: there are freaky gals who love to get their freak on. They love it. Some of them love it so much they star in dirty movies. They love having sex for the world to see, and they hate sitting at a desk (probably like you’re doing right now) for 40 hours a week pushing papers around. They love working a few hours a week and making wages in excess of the 40-hour-a-week wage earner. They love the attention they get off set. They’re not coerced to make dirty movies. They’re not on drugs. They’re simply doing a job they love to do.
The only thing that really fucks up most porno people is the society who condemns them for what they do; the same ones who just dropped a nut all over the place watching — and loving — the freaky behavior they put down the first chance they get. These are the ones who are married and haven’t banged their wives since the closing night of the Salt Lake City Olympic Games — mainly cause the only people they have sex with on any sort of regular basis are hookers or mistresses…or themselves.
I refer to them as conservative Republicans.

Good post! So many ppl watch porn, but still call it degrading. WTF? What’s degrading about it? The voice calling it so is the voice of ancient, biblical, women hating times. The voice that says that sex is meant to be something special, almost holy, and claiming itself to be a moral law applying to all. Fuck that conservative human hating shit! If a guy eats a dogshit (Pink Flamingoes) it’s not degrading unless he himself (or the dogshit:D)thinks so. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU………..
LOL well Justin Long thinks porn is somewhat degrading and he’s leaving the IR genre of porn for good now. Only due to the racists LMAO He gets to fuck white girls for money but porn is racist due to some girls not wanting to fuck him LOL guess he’s a bit of a drama queen. Billy, your take on this?
God bless you Billy Watson.
porn is degrading only an idiot wouldnt think so..imagine your mom or sis or whatever doing this..fuckin strange men 4 money.
bill lets take the closest related woman to you..imagine her gettin sprayed with the black mans cum. lets see u cheer her on. how about havin a real close female relative..and u become a real culkold. lets c if u agree to watch her on set.
u see there is no double standard…people love watchin others gettin degraded..no difference from people watchin the bully pick on a small kid y the crowd cheers him on. its entertainment but no woman with class would do this…but i love that they do. i luv the nasty sluts
ayanna is ugly..not very many sexy black women do porn, cuz they all have no choice but to have sex and be degraded by white men…y 70% of white girls can avoid black men..good job sexy black women.
I don’t think J.Long left the IR genre because of the girls’ personal beliefs or whatever, but because he thinks there are some structural mechanisms at work, at the level of employment, not in the pornographic content itself, which to this argument may be whatever, and that these mechanisms discriminate against blacks. So when girls say they don’t do IR it’s more an extension of this than what their personal preferences are. I believe that is what he meant. I don’t know. He’s probably right. The “IR” on a girl’s card is, well, an absurd notion. Think about it. Oh yeah, and listen to Zappa’s “Uncle Meat”, and Can’s “Tago Mago”.
@ Black boss. I would have no problem with my mother or sister fucking for a living if they chose to do so. I would not be ashamed. I would only feel bad about it if they so felt. But then the nature of my sadness would not pertain to their work, but to their own unhappiness.
When is the last time you saw the news make a fair, educated observation. They have no idea what your scenes entail, they probably have no idea that the female tallent come to you, and you don’t go dragging them off the streets kicking and screaming.
So what if she was a child actress, money makes the world go around, she saw a way to make it and went for it. Obviously it doesn’t make her too uncomfortable or she wouldn’t be back that many times, she is happy with it so let it be.
It’s porn, its not a political statement. Ask most hookers if what they do is degrading. You’ll find they don’t care as long as it pays, and thats the long and short of it.
Am I the only one that found humor in with the black guy and the chickens?? 🙂
By the way I remember watching “a different world” it was a spinoff of the cosby show about black college life. I don’t remember this chick in the show… I do remember jasmine guy and dwayne wayne though. I think its good for her to keep her career in front of the camera going. At the end of the day its all entertainment anyway. Eat it up.
Well, if that was your first experience with Media Takeout, you shouldn’t be shocked to find out that’s what they do daily. They twist shit up all the time to make a story out of it. They LOVE to see a black celebrity dating someone white, they turn into gossip hawks.
Unfortunately, the site is so big that they really don’t seem to give a fuck if a story is really legit or not, as long as it gets people talking and more visitors.
Buc, You’d be 100% right. Every time a “celebrity” white girl or another “celebrity” girl from a different race is with a black man it’s news 24/7, TV shows, gossip and much more.
“The Truth” the thing is Justin Long’s mommy was a black cock slut. He’s half white. He said he’s doesn’t like degrading “white girls” as if that’s the only pussy he’s fucked. To me it seems like Justin Long isn’t getting work right now like a lot of other people in America. I’m glad to see him go, his laugh was annoying to say the least.