10 thoughts on “Kimberly Kane and Art and Porn.”

  1. Your interviews are my current favorite thing on the internet. You cant believe your own line about art v porn. You see the eroticism in the art of your Art heroes and you are making your own version of it with these interviews and screentests.

  2. Porn can be art, but its only identified in the eye of the beholder and not by its creator. But porn as art is a waste of art ’cause all I see is a hot chick getting dicked and would likely miss anything else.

  3. These are awesome, Billy. I’m just waiting for the hatred to start spewing in these comments from the fans who can’t seem to tolerate it when porn actresses actually talk more than to say “fuck me.” She’s a whore! Fuck her! Who does she think she is!? Fucking prostitute! Whore! If only these folks realized that they are, in their hatred and anger, fueled by the same wonky logic of Christians who feel that sex is something to be ashamed of.
    One note though– please give the interviewees some breathing room. I know you dig Warhol. Do you also dig Shirley Clarke? Portrait of Jason? In the space when you don’t talk, that’s where the real revelations come. Otherwise you come across as that dick on Bangbus.
    But really, thanks for these. So fascinating.

  4. I dont like your ‘its not art if someone jacks off to it’ because it seems to remove sex and sexuality from the human experience and from art. It’s also tricky to adjudicate because of the extremely wide range of prurience and prudity in people.

    How about, ‘It’s art if you still want to look at it after you come.’

  5. Art is so subjective anymore with all the different mediums I think it’s kind of ruined it to a certain extent. Any jitbag can pick up a camera nowadays, snap a few photos and call himself an artist. Granted, I don’t know shit about art, but I would go so far as to say Andy Warhol was a hack. What’s so great about painting a couple of fucking soup cans, or sitting a camera in front of someone for 3 minutes while they stare at it? I just don’t think he deserves to be mentioned in the same breath as Michaelangelo, Rembrandt or Salvador Dali. Shit, he isn’t even on the same plane as Norman Rockwell.

    Now a lot of people would call these guys vandals



    but that kind of shit appeals to me way more than Warhol’s work. Take the Jackass crew for example. I think those guys are geniuses. Those are honestly some of the funniest movies i’ve ever seen. Had those guys grew up under different circumstances, they could’ve been performance artists at Bard College, and people would be writing papers about them. So it’s all relative I guess. Would you call those pornographic anime drawings art? They’re presumably done by an artist, and i’m pretty sure they’re meant to be jacked off too, although I don’t know how anyone can.

    Now here’s the catch, and I will admit I have a certain bias and preconceived notions towards girls in the industry so i could be wrong, but I think girls like Kimberly Kane and Belladonna trying to call porn art is just some self serving bullshit to make them feel better about what it is that they do. Belladonna’s Party of Feet series I think is a perfect example of this ridiculously self indulgent type of “art”. And I would be willing to bet that the sales for that series are terrible. But again, I could be wrong.

    So bottom line, I think the majority of fans would rather you keep your job and your art seperate.

  6. That reminds me, if you haven’t seen it yet you should check out exit through the gift shop.


    It’s a really good documentary on “street artists” mainly banksy, who i’m sure you’ve heard of. Now ten years ago, nobody knew who the fuck guys like Banksy, obey and Espo were. They got locked up for doing the shit they do, and it was dismissed as graffiti. Now they have art exhibitions and get hollywood stars like Brad Pitt paying millions for their work and presidents hire them(obey) to design their campaign posters. Art critics still dismiss graffiti. But the funny part about the documentary is the guy who made it is not a fucking artist at all, yet he managed to scam a bunch of LA hipsters into buying some shit he slapped together for millions just because of his association with banksy.

  7. Sorry bout all the comments, too much coffee. I think another point to be made is that art is something you do for the love of it, not the money. How many pornographers would still be shooting porn and sharing it with the world if they weren’t getting paid for it? And I don’t mean recording your girl blowing you with your cellphone.

  8. It’s not really considered a proper interview when the guy behind the camera talks more than the subject does, Billy.

    Miss Kane’s clearly a smart woman and has a lot of interesting stuff to say, so it’s a pity that you interrupted her every 5 seconds and hardly ever gave her a chance to even finish a sentence.

    Either way, it’s still a cool video. Thanks for it.

  9. @Dexter — I didn’t call it an “interview”. It’s more of a “chat”. But thanks for your input, Dex!

    Either way, you’re a cool dude. Thanks for being you.

  10. Dude, you’re such a blabbermouth (no offense, or minor maybe :-)). Sometimes you instigate poeple to tell you cool stuff with it but most of the time its just really annoying.

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