I’m in the editing bay today, working on a Spunkmouth update for this weekend, so I’m gonna keep this short. I just wanted to throw out some galleries of scenes I’ve shot, with a brief comment (or two…or three) with each. Nothing complex, just some sort of brief story that goes along with the scene. Oh, and check out our latest heet, Haley Page!
Here’s an amateur teen I shot a couple years ago. She was 19 at the time. A hairdresser who needed some fast cash. I forget where the dude came from. I do remember the load he blasted her with…giant. Poor girl didn’t know what hit her. But hey, she made her cash, so her car insurance didn’t lapse, or they didn’t repo her car, or her cell phone didn’t get shut off. You know the deal.
Bianca Pureheart. I didn’t shoot this! It’s one of the few on Spunkmouth I didn’t shoot! That day I cut a deal with my studio partner…he just bought some couches from a thrift store, and since he paid for them, I went and lugged them back to our place. Problem was, I had booked Bianca that day. So he shot the scene, and I moved the couches. Oh well…
Tabetha. Whoa. A total cutie, and another amateur I shot a while back. She’s been Amatuer Allure a whole bunch, too. If you like facials, this seriously might be your scene. This poor girl took one to the face, head, mouth…and one glop even flew over her head and landed on the back of her ass. Superb! I liked her so much, I shot her for Mano Job, too!
Madison Monroe. Shot before she found a boyfriend and quit the biz. Well, that might not be true. I think you can still book her, but you have to book her with her dude. Oh, and that snazzy green/gold couch used to be TT Boy’s, so you might recognize it.
Kelly Kline. The first (and only) time I ever shot her. She’s such a sweetie. I love Kelly!
Anyone remember Fionna Cheeks? I shot this scene in a seedy hotel room in Los Angeles, before I got into my studio deal. Afterwards, we went to Mel’s Diner and ate chiliburgers. That’s when she told me all about her time in the US Military.
Yesterday, while my car was being serviced, I had the dealership’s courtesy shuttle take me to IKEA. I love IKEA. It’s greed and consumerism and yummy swedish meatballs all rolled into one special experience. While I was eating my spinach salad, I peered across the cafeteria and guess who I saw?
We made extended eye contact, and then she looked away, and she wouldn’t look at me again. Damn! I wanted so bad to say hello, see what she’s been up to, and hire her again. It’s been 3 years since I’ve seen her. 3 years since I shot her. Damn, she still looks great. I even kinda followed her for a sec, to see if she’d make eye contact with me…then, I realized I was acting creepy, so I went about my business and let her go on her way.
I’m sure that’s the last time I’ll ever see her, too.