Check out my pal Jimmy H. shooting Montanna Rae. He’s got a cool site called Brand New Babes; Montanna Rae is a super heet from the midwest who travels to LA to make bank.
I met Jimmy H. at Ron Ellis’s porn house about a year ago. We became fast friends. What can I say? We’ve got a lot in common.
Jimmy H. shoots for some huge sites – ATKingdom and Karups, for starters. And he shoots some fucking super hot babes: Cassia Riley, my pal Sophia, Tylar Jacobs, Amy Reid, Kelly Kline, and Jelena Jensen. After he shot Montanna Rae, we went out to Fat Burger and grabbed some grub. Besides the normal bullshit, we talked about being a pornographer, and how society views us – the dudes behind the camera, that is. For example, when Jimmy H. goes home (he doesn’t live in LA, nor do I), he likes to hang out at the local pub, where dudes fucking worship him. He’s a regular hometown hero. And the girls loathe his pervy ass.
I talked to him about not letting society fuck with your skull. How not to let other peoples’ morals fuck with your own. I mean we’re both good people, who treat our models with resepect. And what about the school teacher who fucks the student? The car salesman who slams a naive customer into a lease deal for a huge commision? The Priest and the Altar Boy? The televangelist and the elderly? The lawyer and the weak? The stockbroker who churns and burns??
For some reason Tony Montana comes to mind now…when he’s drunk at the posh Miami dinner spot. Everybody point your finger at the bad guy! Cause it’s the last time you’re gonna see a bad guy like this again!
Deep down, we’re all “bad” in one way or another. It’s just how ya look at it.