Donovan Phillips writes: Is the war on porn our own fault?
I’m not pointing fingers at anyone. I’m asking a question. Our industry keeps getting “harder” and pushing more boundaries. That’s fine. Consenting adults should be able to do what they want and view what they want.
BUT when we take this very hard content and give it away free on sites that are easy for children to access, is it any wonder the government decides to crack down?
Just a question. I’m just not surprised. We keep pushing and pushing. Things are now starting to break.
And I say no. I really respect Donny – that’s the reason I even chose to reply to this – but let’s look at his part of his statement: “when we take this very hard content and give it away free on sites that are easy for children to access…” Well, porn isn’t easy to access. Really, it’s not. Oh sure, just about anyone can buy a computer, plug it in, and start to enjoy the Wonderful World of Pornography within minutes.
But wait! When the folks brought home the computer to put in junior’s room, they asked the dude who sold them the computer “Hey! Any way to block that nasty, awful, society-wreckin’ pornography?” Why yes sir…here’s Net Nanny. And CyberPartorl. Here’s SurfWatch, and CyberSitter. And BSafe. And WebBalanced…and guess what?
There’s no porn on Junior’s computer.
So now let’s ask the really tough question. And no, it’s not “how to we eradicate porn?” It’s not “how do we make our schools better…or safer?” And since we’re worrying about dirty movies fucking up our kids, we don’t need to start in on booze, tobacco, and drugs…cause we all know about that.
Why is society failing our children? Maybe that’s the real question here. And the answer is simple, my friends.
Our kids are in a heap o’ trouble cause the traditional family structure that, for the most part, has built this country, and made it strong, catapaulting us into The Greatest-Country-In-The-History-Of-The-World status, has, for the most part, come to an end. This isn’t about a war on porn. Or a war on booze. Or dope. This is a war on the family unit. And the family unit lost.
I’m guessing it died around 1989. Give or take a few years. It started getting its ass kicked in the 70’s, finally went to the hospital 80’s, where it went to Heaven later in that decade.
From my years in the classroom I can tell you this – every shitty kid has a parent who’s even worse. Way worse. I’d have kids in my classroom that didn’t give a fuck about anything – grades, getting disciplined, advancing themselves, learning, caring about themselves – and when I called the parents, guess who wasn’t home?
And even if they were home, they weren’t home.
Know why “schools suck”? Know why “porn is ruining our kids”? Know why “the gang problem is growing out of control”? Why kids are smoking meth after school? Why, say, LA County or Maricopa County (Phoenix AZ) has high school drop out rates at 60%? It’s the easiest answer – and the hardest.
But wait! I digress. So let me get back to porn, cause after all, that’s why you’re here. And I’d like to tie this all up in a nice, pretty package.
Just ask your favorite porn star, next time you run into them at some big trade show, what it was like growing up. If mom and dad were around, caring and nuturing them, and showing them the way through this fucked-up world. If, when they got home from school, mom was around to help them sort out their problems – not only problems in school, but problems that made life itself confusing and upsetting and good and bad. And when dad got home from work a few hours later, they’d all sit down at dinner and he’d be there, too, to help out with everything, thus adding a whole new dimension in their lives.
Or was nobody home?