Jack writes:
Hello Mr. Watson. My Name is Jack. I’m just wondering if you may need an actor to eather co star with any of you’re porno lady stars. Because I’m looking for work/I thought that you might be Interetsed. I’m 5 feet 10 inches high. I weigh 234 lbs. I’m alittle over weight but i have the streanth of 4 men my size. I also have a hard dick that’s big enough to fit my hand. So if you need another actor. Oh! i should mention that i also have a slight Disability. But that won’t stop me from taking Direction. Please e-mail me back at this e-mail address. Thank you for you’rwe time.
Hi Jack!
Funny you write…I was just talking to some business partners about starting a site in which an overweight disabled man with the strength of four men and a small dick fucks porno lady stars. I said we should call it “Crippys on Chippys”, but they found my idea highly offensive and asked me to leave. Oh well. Sorry I can’t be of any help.
Your pal – Billy