All posts by Billy Watson

Gloryhole Sex

The hole...

This is a true story. All the stories you read here are true, and this one is truer than most.

A long time ago I was an Arizona State Sundevil. I was struggling with my classes and being a dumb jock. One night, while I was studying for my Criminal Justice final, I realized it was time to poop. I don’t know about you, but I’m a home field guy; I don’t like to make a number 2 on unfamiliar turf.

But damn…I had to go. Really go.

So I hold it best I can, decide to give up the good fight, and make a decision: do I get on my bike and ride home? Or do I hit the can in the library?

I hit the can in the library.

I check all the stalls, choose the cleanest, and go to work. And as I’m sitting there, I notice a big fucking hole drilled out of the stall’s wall. I swear! I was so intent on making sure the toilet was clean whilst choosing stalls, I overlooked the fact that some homo drilled a gloryhole into the wall. Of course I had no idea then it was a gloryhole; in fact, I wasn’t sure what the hell was going on! Was someone going to try and peep on me while pooping? Was this some sort of janitorial aid?

Fuck it – I came to do a job, and I finished up and hauled my ass outta there. I was alone from start to finish, so that was a good thing.

Fast forward 15 years or so. We’re sitting around Dogfart’s secret mansion, trying to come up with new ideas for websites. Someone yells out GLORYHOLE! We laugh, especially when I recalled the story I just shared with you.

Dogfart didn’t laugh. Next thing I know, we’re in the van, cameras in tow, scouting public restrooms, adult bookshops, and all-around nasty ass places I know I could never poop at…I’d make in my pants before I sat my fat white ass on a toilet seat in any of these places.

Boy do I have a lot of Gloryhole stories. I shot every single scene on, some with Dogfart, most without. There were times me and the porn girls had to haul ass out of the place. And like all work there’s the good, the bad, and the ugly. You’re looking at the good here. I made Spring Thomas come with me while I shot the gloryhole Sophia scene. Sophia worked the hole; Spring Thomas was on the lookout for cops and/or people we didn’t want to come in contact with. A great scene with my two favorite girls in the whole wide world.

Nasty, filthy sex doesn’t get any better than this.



I took this pic of Boo and Bella Donna in Dogfart’s backyard, a long time ago. Bella’s in the red pants; Boo’s in brown.

Boo is a natural beauty. She’s the kind of girl that makes you do all sorts of cliches: she takes your breath away; you fall in love with her on first sight; you wanna save her from porn; let’s get married and get the fuck outta LA and live in some rural place and die old together.

Those kinds of things.

We had just started shooting Spunkmouth scenes, and a Spunkmouth Boo scene would be my trophy. I had to make it happen.

My first instinct was to offer Boo more than I should. Like, instead of $900 for b/g, offer her like $1100. Be ready to go to $1200. I already knew Girl-Next-Door Boo was “thinking” about becoming porn star Boo D. Licious, but she wasn’t quite there – yet.

There was a better approach to Boo. I hadn’t been in the porno biz long, but I already figured that out. Porno girls love to be represented. To have an agent. When you’re represented by an agent, you’re SOMEbody. Agent=importance. Agent=clout. Agent=you’ve made it. Boo didn’t have an agent, but I’d approach Bella Donna instead…ask her to make the scene happen. I figured it would be my best chance. Better than offering her more money.

Well, I’d like to think I was right. I mean I got the scene. And it’s off the hook. To this day it may be the best scene on Spunkmouth…and the best scene I’ve ever shot. Dogfart shot stills; I directed and shot video; Brandon Iron and my pal S.S. were as obsessed with Boo, too. They gladly offered their services. In fact, Brandon cut his fee to work with Boo…and S.S.? Well, he did it for free!

By this time Bella Donna was a huge porn star, as was Brandon Iron. S.S. was making his name as a director, and doing scenes off and on. I was still shooting second camera for Dogfart and Spunkmouth wasn’t even a site yet.

And Boo? She went on to Porn Star Status, right? Wrong…I think I’ve seen her in two more b/g vids…some g/g stuff. And then poof! Just like that, she disappeared.

Why, oh Why?


Every once in a while I’m asked “why do girls become porn stars?” I’ve thought about it a bit, and I’ve come up with my top 5 reasons why your favorite porn star became your favorite porn star (besides the obvious – money):

1) They were abused as a kid…not just sexually, either, although that goes a long way. I’m including abandonment issues here, cause I think they’re way more prevalent than sexual abuse. Wanna raise a porn girl? Just ignore her. Or haul ass when she’s just a wee baby.

2) Religion has been shoved down their throat…Christianity (or some form of it) of course. Wanna raise a porn girl? Make her go to your church 6 days a week…and have church study when she isn’t in church. Make her pray a lot, too. Then, repeat…while peppering her with the sinner rap.

3) Porn girls love to party! So much so they can’t control themselves…that’s how much they like to party. The porno lifestyle goes hand-in-hand with the party girl lifestyle, especially if they aren’t from a rich family. In other words, if Paris Hilton was poor, she’d be a porn star. Full time, that is…

4) They’re codependant, part of which means – in a nutshell – they love to give their dude all the money they make. I won’t even get into the maladaptive or compulsive parts of this point.

5) Believe it or not, some girls like sex as much as men! Too bad this is the rarest of the 5 traits.

This list is in no particular order; please feel free to combine any one (or all) of the above traits for any particular porn star; and I’m not saying that my old pal Chloe here was subjected to any (or all) of the above…I just found this pic of her before a party at Dogfart’s secret mansion, and it remined me of some good old times, and Brunos in Santa Monica, and how cute she is.

Finally, why do guys do porn? Think it’s to get laid? Well, in a round about way, yea…but mainly it’s because they’re sex addicts.

And who can blame them?

The West Side Is The Best Side

The Crew

Dogfart took this picture, right before this Blacks On Blondes shoot at his secret mansion. So now let’s play Guess Who!

Guess who? Tony EverReady! (Tony just got out of the slam about a month ago for an assault rap. Someone called him out, and Tony knocked him out. I like Tony, but sometimes he makes me nervous. I think I was the first to hire him after he got released. Tony’s from the Inland Empire, and he’s O.G. The first time he showed up at the mansion, he didn’t even hide his firearm…instead, he wore it proudly on his hip.)

Guess who? the porn girl we shot! (I don’t even remember her name. I think it’s Renee. I remember she was from New Zeland, and she was really nice, and she put on a helluva scene. I don’t think she’s in the game anymore.)

Guess who? Byron Long! (He still lives and works in Porno Land. He’s a total pro, and a super cool cat. He likes to fish. A lot. He also has the best weed around. Strictly medicinal, you know…and his brother Kilo and I became fast friends, too. Kilo was Byron’s driver.)

Guess who? Wesley Pipes! (The most dangerous man I know, and I am not fucking around. I love shooting Wes, cause he’s Wes, and he has a rap like no other. He’s bad to the bone. He’s still in the game, too.)

Now guess which one is me.

Poor Ol’ Billy Bob

Sophia and Billy Bob

Spring Thomas loves to have a boyfriend or three. And eventually she tells them what she does for a living, which makes them either run for cover, or, like her more…and some who end up sticking around for a while have made a foolish attempt at porno stardom.

Enter poor ol’ Billy Bob.

I think Spring Thomas had a class with Billy Bob. I don’t recall now. He’s your average typical Joe, and like most of Spring’s dudes, I have no idea what she saw in him…but that’s another story. Anyway, one day Spring calls me and says Billy Bob wants to be in a porno flick.

“Is he sure about this?”

“Oh yea. And obviously he can’t be on my site, so will you hire him for Spunkmouth?”

“But who’s he gonna fuck?”


She answered without hesitation, which made me think she had something up her sleeve. I was right. Billy Bob had been bugging Spring to star in a porno. Spring gave in, and thought it would be a good idea if he fucked Sophia. I thought it might be OK, too. A total amateur dude and a super hot porn starlet would make for something interesting.

And it did.

Sophia ate him up alive, right on film, for the world to see. I’ll hand it to Billy Bob – he started strong. But one he was in the pussy, he couldn’t hold it anymore. Which is to say he lost his nut almost immeditately. Then he assured me he could get wood again and keep going. He’s a young buck, so I’m thinking right on…but he was wrong.

Sophia carried the scene best she could, and honestly, it turned out much better once I edited it. I mean it sounds like a bad scene, but it wasn’t.

And it taught ol’ Billy Bob a lesson – fucking on camera for money ain’t like fucking at home with the lights dimmed while listening to a slow song by your favorite country band and sippin’ on a Coors Light.

We wrapped, I paid everyone, and that’s the last time I saw Billy Bob. I think Spring dumped him not too long after.

Taylor Kurtis


So it’s January ’05, and I’m in Vegas for the annual porno conventions – AVN and Internext – when I meet up with Taylor Kurtis. She’s brand new, and like most of the girls who first come into this biz, she’s got a smile on her face, she looks good, and she’s got no idea what she’s getting herself into.

It only took me about a second and a half to offer her a Spunkmouth scene. Her manager dude did all the talking. We set it up for that night.

I couldn’t afford any of the fancy hotels on the strip. Way outta my league. Instead I set up shop at the Budget Budget Suites (real name) on the very south end of the strip. Really, it’s not even the strip. It’s more like the last stop out of town, before you hit the desert all the way to LA. I had to pay extra for sheets, and when I got into the room it smelled like someone died in there. So I prop open the door to air it out, start putting the sheets on my bed, and I just about shit my pants when a pit bull wandered into my room.

Turns out the pit bull lived with my new next door neighbors. The dog was friendly; my neighbors were not.

That night I shot the scene. Taylor was obviously new. It was her first scene. Ever. And she did a great job. I was really surprised. I mean she didn’t work the camera like a vet, but that’s the beauty with first timers. We wrapped, I paid them, and they were off.

A few weeks later Frank Wank calls me. He’s interested in Taylor Kurtis, and what’s some info. I ask what kind of info, and he says she won’t shoot b/g scenes. She refuses. And he wants to know how Spunkmouth managed to pull it off. (By the way, to this day she only does solo and g/g).

“Vegas will make you do funny things,” I say.

He agreed.

The Collector

vintage adult ad

I’m a collector, which is to say I collect things.

In 1975 I was just a kid and went bonkers for beer cans. I’d walk miles from my home in Calumet City, Illinois, just to score a Big Cat Malt Liquor (I once scored a tall boy Big Cat in mint condition in an alley behind a White Hen Pantry!), or an old Candian Ace can…and my god! – if I found a flat top, or even (gasp!) a cone top, I had to run home just to clean my underpants…and then show off my can to the kids in the neighborhood.

Then, for a while – from like 1978 to 1987 – I was a jock…and lost my soul.

When I came to, it was books…specifically, anything I could find by Charles Bukowski. First, it was all the books with paintings by him. That’s right, his publisher would issue limited edition books with real paintings and silkscreen prints done by Buk. After that, I had to have all his poetry chapbooks published in the 60’s, and those fuckers were expensive back then. After that, all his little mag appearences sparked my interest…but nothing after 1970 (or so).

After I consumed Bukowski, I went nuts on all the Beats – Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, and, of course, William S. Burroughs. And of course, I had to buy every first edition, signed first edition, and limited edition thing I could afford. From the Beats I had to collect anything that was considered counterculture literature – Paul Bowles, ANY little mag from the 50’s and 60’s, anything drug related (LSD literature was close to my heart), Ken Kesey, Hunter S. Thompson…the list goes on and on. Then I just bought any book I could afford, if I had to have it.

Collectors know what I’m talking about. And it doesn’t matter what you collect, really…there’s some sort of fucked up psychotic thing happening in your head when you’re dumpster diving for beer cans, or spending your entire life scouring thrift stores for tiki mugs, or figuring ways to fuck over people who are bidding on whatever it is you’re bidding on at eBay.

I sold my Bukowski collection a long time ago. Since then, all the books I sold are worth even more, and that’s OK. It comes with the territory. Now I go out of my way for records…jazz records, mostly…hell, any records…and books (now it’s paperback sleaze and juvenile deliquency titles)…and vintage porn.

Vintage porn is so fucking cool. Old girlie mags like Adam, and Knight, and Cavalier, and the nudist camp mags, and, when I’m really lucky, I’ll come across glossy pics from the 50’s that you could buy out of the back ads from all those girlie mags I collect…I’m really on the lookout now for 8mm stag films from the 50’s, too. They pop up on eBay, but scoring shit on eBay doesn’t really count, does it?

So, if your grandpa died, and he was a pervy old dude and kept his shit in perfect condition – like most collectors do – call me, ok? I’ll pat ya on the back and say how sorry I am cause you’re all bummed that grandpa died, and then, if I can use it, I’ll offer you cash for the lot.

And I promise not to cherry pick.

Riley Mason

Riley Mason

When the studio doorbell rings, and there’s a new girl behind that door, I get all excited.

I get excited when any girl is ringing my doorbell, but when it’s a porn star, and she’s new, I’m even more jacked. Part of it is that first glimpse, and sizing her up against the pics I’ve seen of her, or the scene I’ve seen her in…or just matching a face with a voice on the other end of a phone. Plus, it’s cool to just see them as they truly are, without makeup, in their street clothes…I guess what I’m trying to say is when they’re real.

Cause once they step in front of that camera, and the lights are on them, and they’re made up and dressed to the hilt in their sexy stripper clothes, and they’re talking dirty and doing all that, it’s the furthest thing from real you can get.

Riley Mason looks amazing either way – when she walked into my studio, pulling her little porno girl totebag – or when James Dean was fucking her for Spunkmouth.

I shot a quick still of her in the make-up artist’s chair, about 1/2 hour before we started rolling. It’s the kind of glimpse you don’t really get to see too much, and that’s why I’m showing it to you now. Wait till you see her Spunkmouth scene.

Riley Mason is from North Carolina, she’s new to the business, she loves to fuck, and she was great to work with. And that’s all I have to say about that.

Interview with a Porn Star (#1) — Loretta Scars

Loretta Scars

This morning I woke up to the sound of a woman’s voice.

Turns out it was Loretta Scars. Jimmy H., my pal who shoots for ATKingdom and Karups, was going over paperwork with her. I was gonna try and sleep in some more, but shit…there’s a porno girl out in the front room; I can’t sleep anymore.

Loretta Scars just got in the biz and hasn’t even shot 10 scenes yet. I think she’s a natural heet, and she’s super cool. In fact, I was amazed at how much we have in common: art, books, music…porn.

I immediately decided I had to make some love with her. Instead, I interviewed her. And started a new category with my blog: “Porno Interviews”.

Loretta Scars – Age: 20 – 34(B), 22, 27 – 5’5″ 125 – from Chicago IL – the Pilsen District.

Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Music: Indie (Pavement, Flaming Lips, Mercury Rev), Electro (Miss Kitten and the Hacker, Chicks on Speed), Hip Hop (Eazy E, Necro, RjD2, Bus Driver) – Yo.
Occupation: Porn Star
Hobbies: Art, Music, Books.
Turn-Ons: Cool people, chill times, slow love fucking.
Hopes & Dreams: To live a happy, meaningful life.
Ideal Man or Women: Someone with a head on their shoulders and a good sense of humor.
Sexual Fantasy: To fuck my teacher…like my English teacher…not any specific English teacher. I just think sex with teachers is hot.
Favorite Sexual Position: Any one with a dick in me.

Did I mention I wanna make some love with her? How? Just like she said it – slow love fucking.

“how can I, how can I, how can I
how can I make my body shed for you
how can I, how can I, how can I
how can I make my body shed
around your metal scars
Loretta’s scars, Loretta’s scars
Loretta’s scars…”



Kitty. She made the porno rounds for a while a couple of years ago, and then she just kinda disappeared.


Then, about a month or so ago, I got an e-mail from her. Last time I had seen her was at Sophia’s birthday party…and oh my God, what a party that was. It was the kind of party that deserves its own post.

I shot Kitty is a shitty hotel room in the Valley, and my partner took this pic of us at work. I’ll never forget that scene, cause when she got naked, it made me nervous. Seriously, she didn’t look of age, and if I hadn’t booked her through an agent, I think I woulda just sent her home. But like I said, she made the porno rounds, and I certainly wasn’t the first guy to shoot her. In fact, there’s a fairly popular clip of Kitty getting bench-pressed by a black midget porn star named “Lil’ Pimp”.

I wanna hire Lil Pimp.

Kitty gave me a helluva scene. We had her start in her street clothes, then get in a cute pink little number. We bring the dude in – and he was a total goof – but he just went to town. I kinda like hiring goofy guys instead of beefcake fags. Makes shit more real, you know? And this dude just pounded her, and then blasted her face with goo. Just good old fashioned porn, you know?

And for the most part, Kitty’s retired. She’ll do a scene every now and then, but she’s gone from the circuit, is married and starting a family, and she’s really happy.

I think I’ll hire her. And Lil Pimp. Just to see what happens on their next go around…