Category Archives: stories from porno land (some amusing, some not)

stories from behind the camera

Poor Ol’ Billy Bob

Sophia and Billy Bob

Spring Thomas loves to have a boyfriend or three. And eventually she tells them what she does for a living, which makes them either run for cover, or, like her more…and some who end up sticking around for a while have made a foolish attempt at porno stardom.

Enter poor ol’ Billy Bob.

I think Spring Thomas had a class with Billy Bob. I don’t recall now. He’s your average typical Joe, and like most of Spring’s dudes, I have no idea what she saw in him…but that’s another story. Anyway, one day Spring calls me and says Billy Bob wants to be in a porno flick.

“Is he sure about this?”

“Oh yea. And obviously he can’t be on my site, so will you hire him for Spunkmouth?”

“But who’s he gonna fuck?”


She answered without hesitation, which made me think she had something up her sleeve. I was right. Billy Bob had been bugging Spring to star in a porno. Spring gave in, and thought it would be a good idea if he fucked Sophia. I thought it might be OK, too. A total amateur dude and a super hot porn starlet would make for something interesting.

And it did.

Sophia ate him up alive, right on film, for the world to see. I’ll hand it to Billy Bob – he started strong. But one he was in the pussy, he couldn’t hold it anymore. Which is to say he lost his nut almost immeditately. Then he assured me he could get wood again and keep going. He’s a young buck, so I’m thinking right on…but he was wrong.

Sophia carried the scene best she could, and honestly, it turned out much better once I edited it. I mean it sounds like a bad scene, but it wasn’t.

And it taught ol’ Billy Bob a lesson – fucking on camera for money ain’t like fucking at home with the lights dimmed while listening to a slow song by your favorite country band and sippin’ on a Coors Light.

We wrapped, I paid everyone, and that’s the last time I saw Billy Bob. I think Spring dumped him not too long after.

A Day in the Office

a day at the office

It’s time to put up or shut up.

Spring Thomas called me the other day, and she was kinda pissed. She feels I’m treading on personal ground here, and it’s already getting too personal for her. She’s a private person, and she wants it to stay that way.

Which got me to thinking…here I am, posting pics of Cherry Poppins, and Sophia, and Julia Bond, and Spring…and blabbing all about them, and since I have no problem posting pics and blabbing, why am I so reluctant to post a pic of myself?

I mean I really like this pic. I don’t even remember who took it. (No, I’m not a hunchback…I’m just leaning into the shot, right?) Anyway, it pretty much sums up what I do for a living. The pic’s funny, in a way. And it gives people a peek at something they usually don’t get a chance to see – BTS at a porno shoot. And still, I’m really hesitant to post it…why?

Well, that’s easy. Anonymity.

I’m hiding. I’m a big ol pussy and I’m on the DL. I use a fake name. I don’t show my face. I write about people and post their pics, all the while staying behind the tree, and not sticking my head out under any circumstances…


But when it comes to showing the world who you really are, well…that’s the line a lot of people in the business don’t cross.

And till now, I hid. And I still am, I guess. I’ll never post my real name here, and showing this pic off is probably a mistake, too. Maybe even a Big One.

Maybe not. Who knows…at this point, I don’t care.

So here I am, at work…in my office, so to speak. Shooting Jordan O’Neil for Gloryhole.

And I’m having fun. I mean who wouldn’t, right?

The whole purpose of this blog is to give you guys some sort of insight in to what it is I do for a living. Lots of people watch it, lots of people talk about it, lots of people buy it, and rent it, and use it again and again, but not a lot of people really know about it…so here’s a small piece of my insight. Do with it what you will…

Oh, and by the way, porn is work.

At first I didn’t really call shooting porn work, but now? It’s work. Looking at naked people having sex all day long is pretty much exactly like doing whatever it is you: working for the man, or working for the government, or working for yourself. I’ve done a lot of things in my life, none of which is like the porno biz (well, for a while I sold penny stocks, and that’s kinda like the porno biz) and so far, my work is fun…more fun than selling cars, or jewlery cleaner, or teaching, or selling stocks and bonds; it’s more fun than hiring (and firing) people, more fun than delivering furniture, bouncing people out of bars, or coaching.

So I guess I’ll stick with it. At least for now.