Category Archives: Here’s the Skinny on Your Favorite Star

I Stuck My Finger Up Hillary Scott’s Butthole

Hillary Scott

I might have told you about Hillary Scott, and how she showed up on my set kinda tired cause she was working with Suze Randall all day long, and how she was supposed to do Double-A but it didn’t work, and how she likes Taco Bell Nachos with cheese only, and you might know that the day after I shot her she flew out to New York City to be on the Howard Stern show.

Double-A means double anal, which means two guys stick their pee-pees up her pooper at the same time.

But I don’t think I ever mentioned how Hillary “warms it up” before her scene … or the fact she let me help her warm that ultra-tight dumper up right before I shot her Double-A scene for Blacks On Blondes – which happens to be this week’s update on the site.

Am I braggin’ a lil’ bit?


Or, maybe I just thought you’d like to know.

Now get back to work…before you get in trouble.

Riley Mason and her Manojob

Blacks On Blondes

Since I can’t talk enough about Riley Mason, why not talk about her today? Cause I think she’s one of my favorites to work with: she’s a super bad ass indie rock porn star that’ll do almost anything…so what’s not to love?

I’m at Chico Wang’s shooting Riley for Manojob, Jizz On My Glasses, and Eat Some Ass. We’re gonna bang out three qucik scenes in a row, and I kinda fucked up, cause I had Chico shoot the Eat Some Ass scene first, and I know I’ve talked about that…she got covered in BBQ sauce, had an allergic reaction to it, and still shot two more scenes…even though her skin was starting to get all patchy and red and weird.

Manojob scene was second, so I shot it. I asked around to see if anyone wanted their dick jacked off, and Chico’s protege at the time – Bejing Bang – readily agreed. That’s when Chico grabbed me, pulled me aside, and said something like “no guarantees with him, bro.”

Which meant anything could happen.

I agreed to Chico’s terms, and then Chico retreated into his bedroom with Jasmine Tame for some reindeer games.

Manojob scenes are usually quiet scenes, with only the female talent speaking. They dirty talk into the camera, and sometimes tell handjob stories that are usually quite funny and very sexy. Riley was in the middle of hers when suddenly, out of the blue, Chico came running out of his bedroom, screaming. His pants were around his ankles, but his boxers were still on, so he couldn’t really reach full-stride.

So I guess he tried to run across the room, screaming very loudly, and ran back into his room. It startled me for a second, but it scared Riley for about 15 seconds. Kinda freaked her out. She really didn’t like it at all, and that’s what made it so funny.

We get back to work, and half way through the scene, Bejing asked if he could take a “break”. I have to give him that break, right? I mean I don’t want OSHA on my ass. Anyways, during that break he blew a load into his hand. Don’t ask me why, or what. He wasn’t jacking off, ar least that I could tell. He was just kinda standing there, and all of a sudden he blew a load in his hand, then sheepishly came and told me. After which he went into the bathroom, cleaned himself up, and left.

As in completely left the place, with all his stuff.

So I ask around again, who wants to get their dick jerked by Riley, and this photographer cat jumps up, very excited, and offers up his services. I’m in a jam, so I’m like right on!, until the dude pulled out his wee-wee, which was exactly that – a wee-wee. I don’t think it was more than 4 1/2 inches hard, but beggars can’t be choosers, so we roll tape.

The scene actually turned out better than I thought. Here’s some Riley Mason handjob movies from that night. Fun, huh? It’s kinda cool, too, cause Bejing is asian, and the photgrapher dude was latino, and without showing their faces, it’s kinda hard to tell them apart!

After we wrapped the Manojob thing, it was time for JOMG Riley Mason, and that’s a whole other story.

Blacks On Blondes

Super fun e-mails. Or, Max Black Needs A Roomie.

Spring Thomas

KS writes:

I am a big fan of your blog I Shoot Porn. I love it, especially all the blogs about Spring Thomas. I was wondering if you could do a real interview with her!!! Oh yeah, like you can see, I am a female reader and I am more interested in some of the dudes you have shot like Doctor E and Mr. Nova (Spunk Mouth and Spring Thomas) and Max Black (Spring Thomas). Thanks!

Why thank you very much KS! And it sounds like me you just might be a potential BCS. That is, if you’re white. I’ll assume you are, just cause. No other reason than that.

Spring won’t do an interview. Trust me, I’ve asked her. I’ve also asked her to be a guest blogger, too…but nope.

As for Dr E And Mr NOVA…well, they’re M.I.A. We just kinda quit keeping in touch as we started shooting Spring’s site more and more in Los Angeles. I’d like to actually see those cats again, as they’re good guys and, for amateur performers, they were really very good.

Max Black. What can be said about Max Black? How about he asked me to take this picture of him so he could post it on a roomate referral board? He’s looking for a roomie, and after looking at this pic, who wouldn’t want to move in with him?

And if he’d show up on time for a shoot, I think I’d hire him more. Plus, that dude gets sooo much pussy in his personal life that when he shows up on set, he’d kinda drained, so to speak…which isn’t talking shit on him. He knows it as much as anyone. In fact, while shooting a b/b/g scene with Max and Hooks (Hooks is a new cat I’ve been hiring more and more) Hooks blew a huge load, and Max was all “damn, that brotha hasn’t been laid in weeks!”

So there you have it.

Your pal, Billy

JOMG and Spunkmouth Alyson Whyte

Allyson Wyte

I’ve never really talked too much about Allyson Wyte – or Allison White, Allison Whyte, Alisson Whyte, Alisson White, or even Alisson Wyte – depending on how you spell it. And I should, cause I consider her a pal, and she’s a really cool girl. But before I go there, here’s a little rant:

Porno girls need to think about their name before they ever pick one. It’s really part of a business enterprise, and they have no idea that’s really what it is. And how important it is. And before they tell a soul what their porno name’s gonna be, they need to register the domain, and make sure it’s easy to spell, and make sure there aren’t any past porno girls that have had that name before, and to register all the common mis-spells, and all that, but porno girls aren’t known for thier business acumen, are they?

Not that Allyson’s a dumbo; actually, I think she’s pretty smart. Anyways, I met her dude, Robbie James, through Domineko, a few years back. I needed a white guy for a scene. Shit, I know all the black guys; white guys are a different story. Robbie banged Austin O’Reilly (remember her?!) for Spunkmouth, and he mentioned his chick, Allyson Wyte, was in the game.

Actually, she was fairly popular by then. I think she had a Hustler cover or two…maybe for Barely Legal. And lots of DVD’s out, as well as web stuff.

So I booked Allyson Wyte and Robbie James. For a scene to be shot at their apartment. This was primarily a budgeting decision; shoot a porno couple at their apartment, and it’s almost always free. Besides, I didn’t have a studio back then, either. It was pretty much a typical porno apartment in the valley…which means lots of messy-mess everywhere, and too many people in too small a space…that sort of thing. But it was fun.

(Side note #1: Allyson and Sally Rodeo did yet another scene for Spunkmouth. Girl-girl action and then Robbie and Trevor walk into the room and coat both their faces with jizz).

(Side note #2: The folks in the picture with Robbie and Allyson are Jubilee and her man, and I shot them both for a Spunkmouth scene right after I finished up with Robbie and Allyson’s scene, and they’re cool, too. Whacky, but cool, in a porno way. A nice pair, really, and they were crashing with Robbie and Allyson’s pad for a while, which made for some interesting shit, I’d imagine.)

Next up for Allyson? J.O.M.G. Jizz On My Glasses. Or, in this particular instance, Jizz On Allyson Wyte’s Glasses. Here’s where shit gets kinda wierd. I decide it might be a good thing to change shit up on JOMG, cause up to that point, it was pretty much a bj site with one dude as the male talent, and the porno girl, of course. This was primarily a budgeting decision; the fewer people in a scene, the cheaper it gets.


Anyway, I was feeling kinda anxious that night – the kind of anxiety a good dick sucking would cure – and I had Robbie coming over with Allyson for the JOMG scene.

How do I jump in on that deal?

And how do you ask a dude, Hey, mind if your chick blows me, too?

I mean, is there any way to ask, but that way? I pondered this as I waited for them to arrive. I didn’t go as far as practicing the question to the mirror, or anything silly like that. But I thought about it.

And when they walked in, I said hi, and then I asked Robbie, “Um, hey, mind if your chick blows me, too?”

No problemo. They were both down. Robbie and I even took turns holding camera as Allyson took turns smoking our poles. And the cum shot? Here’s where it gets really wierd…and maybe even, damn it…kinda gay?

Shit. I hate to even admit that, but I just did.

So…we’re both close to popping, and I’m getting kinda amped up in anticipation for Robbie to blast his chick in the face. He’s getting amped, which is getting me kinda amped, and the next thing you know, we both blast off…at the same exact time.


Look again at the money shot clip again, just in case you don’t believe me. I mean never in my life did I ever think I’d be whacking that close to another dude whacking…and cum at that same exact time as that other dude whacking so close to me.

Like I said, fucking ghey.

So that’s all I’m gonna say about that. And about Allyson, for that matter, cause there’s really not much more to say.

Allyson and the gang

Hillary Scott and her Anal Woes

Hillary Scott

Six months ago I booked Hillary Scott for a Blacks on Blondes scene. She has the perfect look for that site; in other words, it’s a no-brainer.

She showed up on time – which has turned into a special treat for me. That’s right: “special treat”. I don’t think I’d ever have a job when, if someone shows up, they’d show up on time, and I’d actually refer to it as a special treat. But that’s part of this porno gig…when they show up, and show up on time, it’s a motherfuckin’ special treat.

“My pussy’s a little sore,” Hillary said, right after I introduced myself. “Do you think I could do all anal today?”

“Well, you know you’re working with BOZ The Animal?”

She knew.

“You know he’s packing about a foot of man meat?”

She knew.

“Well, then…sure! Let’s have an all-anal scene!”

And what a scene it was…

FLASH FORWARD: It’s January, and I’m at the AVN’s, and it’s after the show, and we’re at the Circle Bar at the Venetian, and me and my bro are watching Chico Wang run wild. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Hillary Scott walks up with Leah Luv. (They’re best friends). I say hello to them both, and they don’t remember me from shit, which is more typical porno girl behavior (I spent a whole day with Leah shooting her), but Hillary hands me her business card:


which is an interesting thing to put on a business card and hand out to people, but hey…after her scene with BOZ, I’d have to agree.

FLASH FORWARD: It’s Tuesday, as in Tuesday of last week, and I’ve decided to book Hillary Scott, again for Blacks on Blondes, cause, well…it’s a no-brainer. She’s hot, and she’s blonde, and anyone that hot and blonde can come back to the site a second time. Plus, she’s added something new to her list of things she’ll do: double anal.

Double anal.

As in two guys stuff their weiners up her exit ramp at the same time, and then move them back and forth. Very fast.

I book her for 6 pm, cause she’s at Suze Randall’s studio all day, which could be a potential problem. Tired, cranky porno girls and Double A don’t go well together. I realize this booking her, but it’s the only time we can make our calendars work, and I really, really want this Double A scene. I don’t think there’s Double A anywhere at Blacks on Blondes.

I get another special treat from her as she shows up on time, and ready to work, but she does look like she’s had a hard day. This is why I have make-up artists on set.

She’s hungry, too, so I take her order and run to get it while she’s being made up: Taco Bell Nachos, cheese only, and a large Doctor Pepper. While she’s eating, I talk to Wesley Pipes and Weed, my male talent, while they’re shooting pool in the green room. It’s all small-talk, until Wesley asks me for a favor.

“Yo Billy man. Think you can write a letter to the judge for me?”

Turns out Wes is in some trouble, and he’s trying to get out of it, but things might not turn out in his favor. I ask Wes how I’m to handle talking about what he does for a living. I mean I’ve written these letters before – more than once or twice – and I’m not sure what to say about Wes’s chosen profession.

“Shit man, the Judge knows I’m porno!”

I agree to write the letter.

That’s about the time Hillary walks in, ready to go to work. In a nutshell, the scene goes off without a hitch, until we get to Double A, which, when I think about it now, is the biggest hitch to the whole scene. And, in the end, it didn’t work.

Hillary’s tired? Black guys dicks aren’t hard enough? There just wasn’t enough love in the air? No one will ever know. The scene still turned out, and turned out it did, and I can’t complain, even though there was no Double A.

All I’m left wondering now is how much longer Wesley Pipes will be around.

Hillary Scott

Aurora Snow in the Interracial Sauna

Aurora Snow

Aurora Snow’s a porn star. A pretty big one, too.

A long time ago she made the trip up the hill to Dogfart’s Secret Mansion for a day of fun & black dick. I wasn’t there, so I really can’t tell you much about it. I mean the Aurora Snow interracial sex scene shot in one of the bedroom’s saunas at The Mansion turned out very, very hot. That’s all I can say.

I remember being at the Producer’s house after they shot Aurora, but before I started working for him – and I was going through his (already) growing stack of 2257 info.

2257: it’s the Federal Law that mandates adult content producers keep paperwork on anyone who does anything dirty in a movie. It proves everyone appearing in that movie are of legal age, which, for the U.S., is 18. They’re kinda cool to thumb through, cause you see everyone’s real name, real ID’s, where they live…the whole she-bang. And not being in the business makes 2257 paperwork even more fascinating than it already is…so, needless to say, I was really flipping through those papers that day, snooping out everything I could: the best part being the girls’ real names.

“Holy shit! You guys shot Aurora Snow! I just saw her on something, somewhere!”

It’s true, I had…almost 4 years ago, and back then, Aurora was the new kid on the block. I had seen her, and now I was really seeing her…her true identity, that is. It kinda blew me away, to tell you the truth. It makes these girls real; I guess that’s the best way to put it.

A few months later I was at The Mansion, just starting to shoot, and everything was still fascinating. I’d meet the girls at the door, and walk them up to the bathroom, and get the something to drink…you know, just basically kiss ass. And that was good, cause S.S. and Justin Timberlakefeelsyourpain were already over it.

All of it.

Like I am, now.

Anyway, Aurora’s gone on to do some pretty big things – directing for a huge company just being one of them. She hasn’t been bookable for quite sometime…until just recently. My pal Joel runs an agency, and sure enough, Aurora showed up on his site. And I was over at Joel’s when Aurora came strolling in, and it’s funny…but I was kinda starstruck. Like in the old days. Aurora was one of the last girls I wanked to before getting into this silly biz (the other being Kacey), and here she was now, in front of me, and I felt like I did at that door at The Mansion three years ago.

Funny how things change.

Joel introduced us, and we chatted it up a bit, and she looks great, even though she’s not 18 anymore. (Imagine being in a business where 24 is kinda over the hill.)

I said something like “maybe we can work together sometime” and she said “yea, sure!” and that’s that. She walked away, and I sat back down with Joel, and we went over some more girls that I could book in the future for the sites I shoot. In an instant, it was back to business with Joel again.

Funny how things change.

Blacks on Liv Wylder with a Cuckold to boot.

Liv Wylder

Sometimes, I’m worried I might be going to hell when I die. It’s not so much cause I shoot porn in general that’s sending me to that firey hole upon passing, it’s some of the sceanrios I’ve dreamt up that might put me there.

The Producer said it first, after seeing these Spring Thomas pictures: “Dude, we’re both going to hell for this one.”

I kinda disagree; it’s the Liv Wylder story I’m about about to spin that’s got me worried.

I booked Liv through Lauren Phoenix. At the time, Lauren thought she could handle an agency. I liked Liv’s looks, and the fact that (at the time) she was a new comer, and, of course, she was blonde and willing to do pretty much anything with a black guy.

First up? The secret gloryhole. She was totally into blowing a stranger in a filthy place, like they all are. Bladda bladda blah.

Then, we got back in time for the real fun – Liv was taking on BOZ the Animal and Mandingo. She’s looking at 25 inches of pleasurable pain – but have her cuckold husband watching all that black dick go in and out of her, and I was quite certain I was creating an interracial sex classic, if such a thing exists.

Well, her husband really didn’t watch – cause he couldn’t. I made him get locked into a cage we had on set for a while – a cage that had a soft bed on top for sex, while some poor, pathetic gimp was locked up below and couldn’t see a thing. Like I said…instant interracial classic.

Now, I’d like to point something out: this really wasn’t her husband, although Liv’s married. I mean when I pan in to her wedding ring, right before all the sex is about to go down, yea, that’s really her wedding ring. But I hired a member from Blacks On Blondes to play cuckold, cause these silly cuckolds write us a million letters a day wanting to be cuck’d on film. Don’t get me wrong: Liv played up like it was her hubby; Liv made fun of her “hubby” while she was getting pounded; Liv had her “hubby” beat off into a bowl and seal it shut and make him take it to the fridge after the black guys had their way with Liv; thus, the fantasy for the Blacks On Blondes members was complete.

I’d also like to point out I’ve hired a lot of married couples – real couples – where hubby is a cuckold.

Did I mention I fed Liv all sorts of lines like, “call your husband pathetic!” and “say your husband can’t fuck you properly!” and “call your husband worthless and weak!” and “say your husband can’t get it up!”, and, like a good sport, Liv did everything I asked.

With a smile on her face.

Fast forward to this year’s AVNs. There’s Liv! I’m excited, cause I really like Liv, and I’d like to think Liv likes me, and we hugged, and we chatted, and I took a pic of her, and we chatted some more, and then a dude in a wheelchair rolled up. I’m thinking it’s a fan looking for a picture, or an autograph, or both. Then Liv introduces me to her husband.

And I’m introduced as the director for Blacks on Blondes, and it doesn’t hit me immediately, cause my brain’s kinda mushy…but after about a minute of chatting it up with Liv’s hubby, I remember the scene. Has Liv shown her husband the scene? Am I man enough to ask?

“Uh, I need to pee. See ya Liv! Nice meeting you, too!” And I bolt.

I wonder if I can do that at the Pearly Gates, when Saint Peter greets me. Create some sort of diversion upon meeting him. The “I’ve got diarrhea” excuse works everytime, cause no one ever wants to question a poor soul with diarrhea.

I wonder if there’s even a toilet nearby those pearly gates, where I could hide in a stall, forever.

I wonder if that’s really Purgatory.

I wonder.

Liv Wylder

Spring Thomas and Mandingo

Spring Thomas and Mandingo

The Producer thought it would never happen.

I made it happen.

Mandingo is somewhat urban legend, even in the porn biz. When he’s available to producers, he’s really picky about the work he’ll take. Most of the time he isn’t available to producers – cause he’s nearly always on some sort of contract – and that just adds to his almost mythical status.

Make no mistake about it, Mandingo has the biggest dick in porn. Hands down. Take it from me, who’s shot every black guy in the biz – save Lex Steele and Sean Michaels – and trust me, Lex comes close, and Sean doesn’t. In fact, Mandingo may have the biggest dick in the history of porn, which is something I’ve briefly mentioned here before. I think he’s bigger than Holmes, and Dick Rambone was this cat in the 80’s that had a huge one, but it didn’t work…and Mr Bigg’s doesn’t ever work…and there’s no white guys I know of that come close…now or then.

Yes, it’s bigger than Shane Diesel (but not by much). Yes, he’s bigger than Jack Napier (barely). And here’s a pic of Spring measuring a huge black dick (a little under 11 inches) so I’m gonna go out on a limb and say Dingo’s clocking in at almost 13 inches.

Imagine that. I don’t even care what business you’re in: having the biggest thing of anything in an industry that’s driven by size.

Imagine having a 13 inch ding dong.

Anyways, I have an agent friend who had Dingo’s number, but he told me Dingo wouldn’t be cheap…but that was OK by me. He shouldn’t be cheap. I placed the call, left a message on his voice mail, and waited a few weeks. I didn’t follow up a bunch of times…didn’t bug him. I just waited.

Out of the blue Mandingo called and asked what I wanted.

“I want to hire you for a website I shoot. It’s called Spring Thomas.”

He didn’t really say anything other than “I’ll get back to you.”

Which means he’s going to go home, type-in S-P-R-I-N-G-T-H-O-M-A-S to see if he wants to fuck her or not.

Do I need to tell you he called me back the next day? And within a week, I had Mandingo on my set. The Producer couldn’t believe it; in fact, I think he said something like Mandingo’s gonna flake – you watch and see. Then he tossed out some myth about Dingo…a few of which I don’t remember, except the best one ever: that his dick was so huge he had to have a blood transfusion right before he went to work. Oh, and that he couldn’t keep his dick hard for too long, or he’d pass out from lack of blood to his brain.

I’m not making any of this up. And none of it’s true.

I gotta admit I was intimidated by Dingo, but all in all, he turned out to be a cool cat. He’s quiet, doesn’t say much, and likes to smoke a cig and sip a Heineken before he walks on set. I got to work with him 4 times for Spring’s site:

Spring Thomas and Mandingo, scene 1: Spring’s looking for new guys, and Mandingo comes in for the interview. Spring and Dingo meet, and after some very serious interview questions, Spring asks if Mandingo is packing over 8 inches – her minimum for doing a guy. Sex follows.

Spring Thomas and Mandingo, scene 2: There wasn’t much of a cheezy porn scenario here, cause sometimes they’re funny and I like them, and most of the time they’re dumb and I hate them. I think she just introduces him. Sex follows.

Spring Thomas and Mandingo, scene 3: Kinda cute. Spring just turned 21. I have a present for her. Guess who? Sex follows.

Spring Thomas and Mandingo, scene 4: Spring invites Kelly Wells to her site to share Mandingo’s big fat love. There’s absolutely no sceanrio here; I just have the girls blowing his huge dick as I fade in. More sex follows.

Well, I booked Mandingo for some scenes at Blacks On Blondes, too, and I’ll talk more about that some other time. And I can’t book him now – haven’t been able to for quite some time. Hopefully I can soon, cause, I think, if Webster’s ever tried to define “interracial sex” or someone ever tried to explain the myth of big black dick, there would just be a picture of Mandingo there.

Spring Thomas and Mandingo

Happy Birthday, Sativa Rose! Eat Some Ass; Then, Wax A Carrot.

Sativa's on Eat Some Ass

My partner J loves Sativa Rose. I love Sativa Rose. Everyone loves a hot, naughty Latina girl, right?

I don’t recall where I came across Sativa, but it was a dirty website somewhere, and I think what struck me most are her lips. They look like the kind of lips those ladies who get silicone injected into the lips what to achieve, but can’t; so, they end up looking like a goldfish. Since Sativa’s are real, she doesn’t look like a fish in a bowl, and I bet if it was medically possible, someone would offer Sativa a giant amount of money to buy her lips. Probably her tits, too.

Just look at them. Lips and boobies, I mean.

I booked the Sativa Rose Eat Some Ass scene as well as the Sativa Rose ManoJob scene on the same day, which happened to be her birthday, although she didn’t allow me to mention that while the camera rolled. I’m not sure why she didn’t let me say it, but I respected her decision, mainly cause that’s the kind of guy I am, and she was really adament. I asked more than once, and there was no second-thinking it for her – definately do not mention the birthday.

Oh well. I was just gonna add it to my dumb cheesy porno scenario, like…Happy Birthday Sativa! Here’s a bunghole for you to chow down! Goes nicely with cake! She probably knew what my dumb agenda was, hence her decision.

Did I mention how incredibly nice Sativa Rose is? Or how she’s one of the few girls that kinda intimidated me before the handjob scene? Kinda weird, huh? That she kinda intimidated me, I mean…weird in a funny sort of way. Anways, here’s some Sativa Rose handjob movies for your viewing pleasure. (Note how I worded that. “Sativa Rose handjob movies”. See, when some pervy creep types this phrase into Google, they’ll likely stumble upon my blog, and that’s how I get people to read this…and, hopefully, join some of the sites I pimp here).

Anyway, by the end of our time together, Sativa was kinda rushing me to wrap and get her paperwork to her, so she could get to her friends, and her birthday party. In Porno Land it’s a bad thing to rush the producer, unless it’s your birthday and you’re as sweet and kind as Sativa Rose; then, it’s perfectly fine.

Sativa Jerks One Out

Various Spring Thomas Blabber…

Spring Thomas

It’s not too often Spring Thomas takes a bad picture.

Really, it’s not. I’ve shot her more than any model I’ve worked with – over three years now on a consistent basis – and in addition, I prep each and every one of her scenes for her site, so I get to go through all sorts of pics and videos, deleting the bad, keeping the good.

Every once in a while the strobes catch a model in between poses, moving to another position, and invariably catching a facial expression that couldn’t be duplicated even if you showed the model the pic and asked her to do it again. This is one of those pictures.

This one’s so bad it’s funny. Looking at it, she appears to be high, horribly depressed, retarded, or a combination of the three. Of course she’s none of the above, and that’s why it’s so funny.

I just hope she thinks it’s funny.

I have no idea where I’m going with this. Spring’s a tough subject for me to write about, so I think I’ll just show off some new movies on her site and talk about them.

Spring Thomas and Max Black: There’s a cat named Max Black, and he’s packing about 12 inches, and he’s a funny guy, and Spring likes working with him. I found a cuckold, and Spring taunted him a bit, like always, while Max pounded the living shit out of her. In fact, now that I’m looking at this, I remember them really fucking hard, and Spring said something, or did something, and Max went harder, which made Spring scratch him, and Max was like “gimme more bitch,” so Spring did. At the end of the scene, he was red, the scratches swollen, and it made for an excellent scene.

Spring Thomas and Wesley Pipes and Byron Long: I was poking around the archives, and I found a scene that was kinda old. Over a year old, maybe more. In fact, it was so old I forgot it even existed. Wes and Byron tag team Spring, and I think Wes drops a load on her asshole, and Byron creampies her. Pure filth.

Spring Thomas and Candy Rocks: Candy’s this new girl, and she wants her own site, so she approached The Producer, and he said she could have her own site IF she could hang in a ST scene. I got on my cell and got a gang of brothers to grope and fondle Candy while Pumper pounded Spring. I blogged this all before, but here’s the movies showing it all…finally.

Spring Thomas and Dick James: Dick’s a new cat in the game with a 10 inch dick and a cool porno name. Enough said.

Spring Thomas and 12 Gauge: 12 Gauge is a new cat in the game with a 9 inch dick and a ridiculous porno name. Enough said.

Spring Thomas and Boz and Kinzy Jo: Kinzy Jo’s this new whore in the game, and while she’s good to look at, she’s not too sure how to get fucked on camera, but that’s OK, cause one of the endearing qualities of a new whore is the fact they don’t know how to get fucked on film. It’s a special time in a porno girl’s career, cause once they learn how to fuck on film, they lose that quality forever. Oh, I guess Boz has a new site with Shane Diesel, and that’s cool, cause I really like them both, and I wish them the best with it…too bad I can’t hire them anmore.

And finally, a nice picture of the beautiful Miss Spring Thomas, in a lame attempt to make up for the first one. Oh, and if you’re thinking about it, you should really join her site. Like I said – if you’re thinking about it. I don’t think I’ve ever plugged a site like I am now, but there’s almost 30 pages of insane, crazy, perverted, interracial sex on it, and honestly, it amazes me. If someone woulda told me 3 years ago we’d get to this point with it, I’d have laughed. But we’re still having fun, and it’s still good, so we’re still at it.

For me, it’s one of the best jobs I’ve ever had.

Spring Thomas