Billy Watson’s Top 10 (for November 2012).

Zoey Nixon POV porn1. Zoey Nixon: I’ve got a couple ads posted up on the interwebs for the Google Machine to find, and these ads, in turn, help me find new gals to start an exciting new career in the wonderful world of Adult Entertainment. Some of them have been up for years, and even though it flatly says in said ads NO SINGLE MALES, that’s all I ever seem to deal with. And they’re all from third-world cesspools that want to bomb the USA out of existence. I have no idea how dudes in countries that censor their interwebs find me…but they do. (hello SIR hi my name is naji im 30 yeas old my date of birth is 21-10-1982 i want to become a porn star i been waiting all my life for this to happen to me so my e-mail is (removed by Billy) if you can i can be contacting also thro my cell phone (removed by Billy) k hope to here back from you thnaks). Anyway, in almost a decade of ads I’ve meet two girls who ended up in one of my movies: Emma Cummings and Zoey Nixon. I dunno what I love more about Zoey: her Bowie/Ziggyesque look, her fabulous boobs, the fact that she hails from the same place as John Waters, or her mouth…when it’s wrapped around two dicks at the same time: mine and her boyfriend’s. Oh, and BTW, No Way Am I Gay. And neither is her boyfriend.

2. NOBUNNY: There’s a dude called Justin Champlin who lives in the San Francisco Bay Area (Oakland, where there’s a “scene” kinda happening now) and, as NOBUNNY from “Rabbit Hole USA”, makes some of the best music I’ve heard in a long time. When my little brother handed me his hand-made (literally) record “Love Visions” four or five years ago, I immediately dismissed it, citing the dumb name and equally stupid, filthy rabbit mask he dons. Then, a couple months ago, while attending a music festival at the fabulous Hi-Tone Lounge in beautiful Memphis Tennessee, I become enlightened to the musical genius that is NOBUNNY. If you don’t believe me, just check yesterday’s blog post.

3. The Psychopath Test by Jon Ronson: I was driving around this high school reunion weekend in my mom’s car listening to NPR, only because I couldn’t figure out a way to make the bluetooth in my phone talk to her car’s bluetooth. Which isn’t to say I don’t like NRP. They were interviewing Jon Ronson about his new book, “Lost at Sea”, which sounded really interesting to me cause of his essay on The Insane Clown Posse and their new agenda, which is some sort of statement concerning all the misogynistic music they made in the past, and how it all relates to their love of God. Or some such non-sense. But while shopping at my local indie bookstore, I picked up his previous book, and took a gander at the back cover: “They say one out of every hundred people is a psychopath. You probably passed one on the street today. These are people who have no empathy, who are manipulative, deceitful, charming, seductive, and delusional.” In my world, I refer to psychopaths as co-workers (no joke intended), so I bought this instead. And in one night I’m 1/2 through…and suddenly afraid to start shooting this week.

4. Endless Summer: After work, I usually read a bit, or listen to records, or do both…and then heavily self-medicate with phenomenal strains of marijuana readily available at most dispensaires in the SoCal area. While inhaling I’ll dial up a movie, either on Netflix or Apple TV. If the movie is really good, I’ll fight sleep to finish it off. I don’t make it through most. Not only did I finish off Endless Summer, I watched the last 20 minutes over again…and I didn’t mention — Billy don’t surf.

5. My High School Graduating Class: This weekend was my 30th, and it was way better than my 20th, which was way better than my 10th. Here’s how it goes: 10 years out of high school means you’re sizing everyone up and proving — beyond a shadow of a doubt — that your dick is biggest. You may even be secretly hoping someone says something stupid, just to you can kick that special someone’s ass you missed out on a decade earlier. Then, at 20 years, you realize size really doesn’t matter and just happy to see everyone…even the people you couldn’t stand back in the day. Once 30 years past, you’re super excited to see everyone is struggling with the same exact aging issues…and since everyone is divorced, it’s time to let your Freak Flag fly. Unless you’re me and spoiled on Porno Princesses 1/2 your age. Did I say half? Try 60% my age (rounded up from 56%, of course).

6. Artforum Magazine: Artforum is a ridiculously pompous arty-farty mag, and its intended audience are art fags, snobby intellectuals, and bitchy gallery owners who live off their rich husband’s income…in that order. Which is why I love it so. And it’s exactly where I ripped off this idea of a monthly top ten. A top ten list I’m quite sure I won’t be able to maintain past next month.

7. Measure B: Well, the voters have spoken, and they’re so concerned for the welfare of all the Stunt Cocks and Porno Princesses, they’ve initiated a law to require rubbers on Stunt Cocks. How will it be enforced? Not from tax hikes, that’s for sure! The inspectors shall be paid by the revenue generated when all the Porno Producers run out to City Hall and fork over big money for the licenses required to make a dirty movie. Um…yea. Uh huh.

8. “Chuck Berry Holiday”: I’m so gay for NOBUNNY why not add his best song to this month’s list? Here he is performing it on the super-weird, all-access cable TV show Chic-a-go-go, a show that might end up on next month’s Top 10. “She hit the road, Jack / That’s a fact / I guess it’s time that I let it go”…and no, she is never, ever coming back.

9. David Petraeus: Men love attention. They love attention even more than their aging, thickening wives. An aging, thickening wife, I might add, who has just about the same amount of sexual desire for you as you do for her. So imagine a hottie approaches, and she’s so into you she’s gonna author your biography (!) and follow you around wherever you go. Imagine you’ve got secrets. Good ones. No…great ones. Great fucking secrets only you and a handful of people in the world know. They’re so great they intensify the already-great sex (you haven’t had since 1992) 10 fold. Make sure you wear The Uniform whilst banging, too. Don’t forget the medals! Why not have her drop and give you 20 before she crawls over to pull your dick out to start sucking? The biggest kick I get out of all this is? When the news lady from CNN scratches her head and wonders “why and how such a thing could happen”.

10. Memphis, Tennessee: I was gonna rave about Goner Records …but I already covered music today. Then I was gonna rave about Gonerfest …but I already covered music today. So why not blab about my new, very favorite American city? The fried catfish? The BBQ? The Stax Museum? Sun Records! The National Civil Rights Museum! Earnestine & Hazel’s and their Soul Burgers and the walk upstairs to what used to be an old brothel! Arcade for breakfast! The Hi-Tone and the Buccaneer! Beale Street! The Gibson Guitar Factory! Where do I end?

How about with a shot I took of Friday Night’s Gonerfest Emcee?

NOBUNNY official Facebook

Today’s Guest Blogger: PSpinPoker and His Advice on Approaching Your Favorite Porno Princess

Mae Myers POV porn

From time to time I have guests blog whatever it is they feel like blogging. I will not tell them what to blog; I won’t edit it; I won’t influence the Guest Blogger in any way.

A year (or so) ago, I started getting some positive attention from a cat calling himself PSpinPoker. In other words, he was the exact opposite of The Angry Porn Fan. He didn’t tell me I suck. He didn’t tell me I don’t know how to light a set. He didn’t call me a race traitor. He didn’t want to slit my throat. Instead, he had some kind words for me…as well as some girls he thought were worthy of The Dogfart Experience. They were good requests, too, so I paid attention every time he sent another girl my way to book. Then he approached me about being on a radio show, which I’ve done twice now. Since I’ve been such a lazy blogger of late, I’ve been posting guest blogs, and PSpin’s take on how to approach your favorite Porno Princess is as good as the shameless plug for his radio show to end today’s blog.

PSpinPoker writes:

It all started by chance. I was a fan of Mae Meyers and she happened to be on a radio show while I was stalking the beautiful insane asylum known as Twitter. I listened in, became a regular follower of the show and within a few months, I was booking girls for What’s Brewin After Dark and co-hosting as well.

That’s the sort-of-short-but-not-really version of how I got started interviewing your favorite adult entertainment stars on the What’s Brewin After Dark.

For someone who’s been a fan of the adult entertainment industry as I have, it was a pretty cool thing to land into. I’ve got a chance to meet and interview most of my all-time favorite stars and get the chance to do the same with many of the upcoming starlets I currently adore. I find all of them interesting and am still amazed at the people who come into and out of this industry. Like any other job, I find that most people have a story, a pretty good one sometimes, and we get to hear them weekly. It’s been a pretty rewarding and fun experience over the last year.

Every guy I talk to about it thinks it’s the greatest thing in the world, as if I’m some director who’s making dirty movies and spending all my time around half naked hot women they can only dream of getting. They still don’t get the call-in part of the show. Or the fact that these girls would probably never sleep with me, even if it was my request as a last meal before dying.

At the end of the day, they don’t get that these girls are, mostly (hey, there’s even crazy astronauts out there), regular people who happen to take their clothes off on camera who have no problem doing what you or I won’t. Not that anyone would want to see those of us not in the “business” do that kind of stuff anyway, but, you get the point.

Most interviews, ours at least, are fun, unscripted and more like a conversation. The girls enjoy that. Can you imagine how boring it would be for someone like Jessica Drake to answer “How did you get into the business?” for the 129704887 time? No one wants to hear that, at least, I don’t and we try to show everyone that these girls are people with a sense of humor. They’re not someone you have to be afraid to go up and talk to, like every other hot girl you’ve met a bar before. Does it help that I have an icebreaker like “Would you like to be a guest on the show?” Probably. But as long as you’re not screaming “I WANT TO MARRY YOU!” at the top of your lungs while sending these girls a dick picture on some social media network, I’m willing to bet they’ll smile, say hello and might even engage in a conversation with you for a short while.

I’ve met a lot of cool people because of the show. Billy Watson isn’t so bad. We’ve had him on twice because we find him interesting. At this point, we’ve had a lot of girls on: AVN Hall of Famers, girls who’ve been in the industry for two weeks and everyone in-between. They’ve all been fun to talk to, have no problem engaging with their fans and I’ve even made a few friends along the way.

The three things I’ve learned from most of the girls are this:

– You don’t need to type in all caps or be rude or crude toward them to get your point across. Most of them can read just fine and are happy to respond if you’re respectful, funny, intelligent or all three.

– Please, for all that is holy in the world, do not send these girls, or me or the guy writing this blog, pictures of your dick to impress them, us or him. Most of the time it’s the most unflattering thing you can send/show a girl. She’d be more amazed if you did something creative that didn’t involve your penis.

– When they’re off set, they like to go home and relax just like you and me. Treat them like a normal person. They just might get back to you. Possibly even on a regular basis.

Yes, like I’m sure anyone who has anything to do with this industry have heard, it’s a great job or hobby to have. I’ve enjoyed my time doing the show and I’ll continue to do it as long as people listen or hotties like Christie Stevens, Julie Cash and Ash Hollywood agree to come on and talk to me for a while. Hope you tune in to the next broadcast and this helps you get to know your favorite star or starlet a little better.

Today’s Guest Blogger: Yet Another Take on The Angry Fan

Stacie Jaxxx porn

From time to time I have guests blog whatever it is they feel like blogging. I will not tell them what to blog; I won’t edit it; I won’t influence the Guest Blogger in any way.

After posting Art’s guest blog on “the angry porn fan” this weekend, I got some e-mails…and another take on the same subject from a reader named Shane. So I’ll run his take on the angry fan, and then I think it’s safe to say we’re gonna put this topic to rest.

Shane writes:

My $0.02 on the issue:

I’d like to pass on my theory about “angry porn fans”. While I do agree with many points made by the guest poster, and think he makes some good arguments, I don’t think that it is any one thing or common cause for this phenomena. I think that it is a complex issue that has mental, social, and physiological components that all play a part.

If you only consider one part of the equation, then it’s fairly simple to explain.

Guy’s a racist? Then it’s easy to see why he gets inflamed over IR porn. Guy lives in his parent’s basement and his only sexual experience has been tugging off the family dog? It’s easy to see why he resents hot chicks. Some guy is a henpecked jerk with low self esteem who can’t get a blowjob from his spouse? Easy to see why he is ashamed to be punching the monkey huddled over a computer monitor late at night.

Pretty straightforward. So why do some of these guys get so agitated then? Why do they continue to view and seek out materials that disturb and upset them? Why does that anger become so great that they need to express it?

Because I don’t think that it’s that simple.

Jut the simple act of jerking off even without external stimulation causes a powerful cocktail of hormones and natural chemicals to be activated in the body. It can cause strong emotions. Pornographic materials can stimulate and feed into these emotional responses, both mentally and physiologically. Well adjusted porn viewers make the differentiation between the reality that they live in and the fantasies they engage in to get off. Those that can’t are the ones that become angry. They’re the guys that take it personal. At worst, for some of these guys, porn becomes sex by proxy and they internalize it.

The anger develops when there is a factor that causes a conflict with this internalization. This can be due to societal reasons for example. A married man may feel guilty about pulling his pudd to porn because of what his wife or friends might think. There could be personal reasons. Feelings of inadequacy over penis size. Deficiencies in personal sex life. Things like that.

I think that it’s also important to make a distinction between degrees of “angry porn fans”, because I think there is a difference between an angry fan, and an Angry Fan.

Lower case angry fans are the ones that perhaps feel some self loathing after masturbating to pornography. There may be some guilt as to the nature of the materials that stimulated their libido. Their expressions of anger are limited to easily accessible targets. Forum posts, comments on sites, that sort of thing. These are the kinds of guys that are probably angry in general anyway. The guy that flips out and goes into a frothing rant on other (non-porn) forums is this kind of angry guy.

Upper case Angry Fans are those that become angry to the extent that they actively go out of their way to cause harm to specific targets. These are the ones that try to find out the “real” identities of porn actors, and out them, among other things. This type of behaviour is more akin to stalking and to me indicates deeper issues than just anger.

In either case, I think that it is important to note that the cause of the anger is not necessarily related to the porno princess herself, but to the “angry fan’s” feelings about themselves. It’s just that the porno princess becomes a convenient target because of the disparity of anonymity between the “angry fan” and the porno princess, and the social status of the porno princess’s occupation. In other words, it’s easy for a stalker or other wing nut to make ad hominem attacks on a porno princess because much of society will permit or accept it, with little risk to the attacker.

However, porn or no porn, these guys would still be angry, it would just be about something else.

Today’s Guest Blogger: A Fan Blogs on the Hatred Porn Girls Receive.

Riley Reid porn

From time to time I have guests blog whatever it is they feel like blogging. I will not tell them what to blog; I won’t edit it; I won’t influence the Guest Blogger in any way.

Since I started working in this biz a decade ago, the amount of hate a Porno Princess receives never ceases to amaze me. Whatever the delivery method (texts (almost always from blocked numbers), anonymous packages (almost always containing pictures and/or DVD’s and sent to the parents’ home…out of “concern”), e-mails, and any and all social media), your favorite porn star gets them almost daily. Don’t do IR? Then you’re a “dodger”. Do IR? Then you’re a “nigger lover”. You’re a slut, a whore, a skank…and I bet you make your daddy proud, huh?

Recently, I tweeted for a fan to blog about why The Porn Fan, in general, is so damn angry. And today, I woke up to find this in my inbox!

Art writes:

First, a definition. While this may not be the dictionary definition, this is the meaning of the following word in the minds of ‘angry’ men viewing porn: Slut – any woman who has slept with more than one man but has not slept with me.

There are generally two types of sluts. The approachable slut that might sleep with me someday. I like her. In fact, I like her so much that calling her a slut is a term of endearment. Then there’s the stuck-up slut who would never give me the time of day. In fact, she is a whore. This is not a term of endearment.

Most men who look at porn on a regular basis are not generally angry. Viewing porn often does however, result in feelings that include anger. Also bitterness, resentment, jealousy, self-doubt, self-loathing… Then why look?

Most men tend to base their self worth on two numbers. Their bank account balance and the number of women they have seen naked. A deficit in one number can often be supplemented by a surplus in the other. The bank account balance is relatively straightforward. The number of naked women is far more complicated and can be offset by recency. i.e. A naked woman on my lap now will temporarily make up for any overall deficit in this number. Unfortunately, our bank account balance is often easier to control than that second number. Most of us don’t have ready access to a happily naked woman. Those who do typically aren’t spending much time looking at porn.

For the rest of us, viewing porn involves a great deal of fantasy. This is why we don’t care about the plot and POV and gonzo are popular. We want to see a woman doing naughty things and want to imagine that we could somehow be involved. Or maybe we want to see naughty things happening to a woman and somehow derive some power from that scenario that we feel is missing from our lives.

Post climax with a woman you’re left with a beautiful naked woman who just fucked you. Post climax with porn and you’re left with just a television or computer and the fantasy comes crashing down around us. Then the emptiness and wanting returns. This is where those negative feelings come into play. We instinctively know that the woman we just wacked off to would never give us the time of day. While she happily spreads her legs for some stranger she would treat us like garbage. In fact, desirable woman we know in our own lives ignore us or treat us like dirt. I think this is responsible for much of the interest in interracial or other porn that is implied as degrading woman. What better way to exact some feeling of revenge than seeing the whore who would never give you the time of day gagging on the floor with a gapping red ass dripping semen from 5 brutally oversized cocks. Won’t even talk to me? Take that bitch! We despise the power she has over us but just can’t break free from her spell.

Then there’s the guy. Who the fuck is he? How does some dipshit stranger who probably barely graduated from high school get to fuck beautiful woman all day. How does he get to do this and we don’t? How does some middle aged guy get to spend time with all of these beautiful naked woman just because he has a fucking camera? I have a camera. Never ever under estimate the self loathing that comes from realizing that we just paid to watch a loser jack off onto the face of a woman we’d really like to have ourselves. And what’s with the abnormally big cocks? Who is that for, exactly? We all know that they’re not normal but it still makes most male viewers of porn feel inadequate about themselves. This results in more negativity.

Then we realize that the reason that douchebag of a guy gets to fuck all those women, and the reason that beautiful girl is a crazed whore… In fact, the reason that whole word exists is because loser average-dicked guys like us pay them. And we often resolve, for a while at least, to stay away. But eventually, the desire to see more naked women and fantasize that they might be into us overcomes the buyers remorse.

Today’s Guest Blogger: Leya Falcon and the Metaphysics of Her Vagina.

Leya Falcon interracial porn

From time to time I have guests blog whatever it is they feel like blogging. I will not tell them what to blog; I won’t edit it; I won’t influence the Guest Blogger in any way. Except for Leya’s blog. Recently, I tweeted for a Porno Princess to blog on the metaphysics of her vagina. Leya replied, and rather enthusiastically, I might add. I did edit Leya’s blog, but only as far as some punctuation and paragraph structure in order to make it easier to read.

I also called for a porn fan to blog about why most porn fans are so angry, but no takers…so far.

On to Leya.

Vagina. Now most of you probably just got a picture in your head of what you have been led to believe is the vagina; when, in all actuality, what you are envisioning is the vulva. Not the actual vagina. You’re probably asking what the difference is, and I am here to break the news that there is a big difference. The actual vulva is the external area of the female genitals that consists of parts such as the ever so sensitive clitoris, the labia majora and the labia minora (otherwise known as the inner and outer pussy lips).

I find myself correcting people all the time when I am asked to show my vagina to the camera saying, “well, technically, the vagina is the sheath-like tube that connects the vulva to the cervix and I have yet to experience a vaginal prolapsed so I cannot show my vagina to the camera, only my vulva.”

Personally, if I am not in a setting where I am required to speak in a non-vulgar manner, I just refer to the entire female genital area as the pussy; it just keeps my overly active brain focused and not so concerned on scientific specifics. Now that we all have the understanding of the difference between the vagina and the vulva, I hope you are all ready to hear the honest truth about what Leya Falcon’s pussy is all about.

My pussy, as every other one out there, loves to be fucked, eaten and pleased; she just loves sexual contact, and if that contact is hard (like she likes it) she will spew out pussy juice like there is no tomorrow. I actually have found it harder for me to make my pussy hold in her joy from being played with by a hot bitch or a hard cock than to just let go and let her do what she wants to do. My pussy is a bit different from average. I would say not only because of the way she spews out her joy across whomever or whatever she is being penetrated by, but also because her lips hang lower than the average pussy and her button (otherwise known as the clitoris) is rather large, leaving no mystery as to where it is or how turned on I really am. It will enlarge the more I get turned on. My pussy loves to be played with all over, but her favorite area to have hit is the little spot that makes her cum like crazy. That area on the front side of the vaginal walls (otherwise known as the g-spot) also seems to be very easy to hit, because I know where it is and how to position myself to get to it. Because of my pussy being a bit different than average, I am glad to report that she has had very few disappointing sexual experiences in her life.

Now as many of you know by now, I am a self-proclaimed man with a pussy, and I believe I may have more testosterone than estrogen floating around in my body. Maybe one day when I need to get my hormone levels checked, then I will find out if my theory is true. My assumption on my having more of the male sex hormone in my body stems from the realization that my mindset is far different than the average female. I think like a man (more often than not) and this includes chasing after pussy. Although my pussy enjoys the feeling of a big and fat cock very much, there is just something about another pussy that drives it completely insane — leading my mind to lose any ability to think clearly. This is how I know for a fact that pussy — especially my pussy — was not put on this Earth not simply to be the tunnel leading from the vulva to the uterus or for sexual pleasure. It was created to seize and control the entire human race.

My pussy controls me. Other pussy controls me. I will dare to say my pussy controls many of you as well, because I doubt you would be reading the metaphysics of my pussy if it were written by a human with a cock — or if it were written by another woman whose pussy you did not enjoy either watching, fucking, or chasing after. I realize that since I have become aware of the fact that I am a sexual being, I have been using my pussy as a means of control and of getting the things I want accomplished. If I don’t want to do something, I just complain of menstrual cramps. If there is something I want, I use my pussy as a bartering system. And in the case of my adult career, I have been using my pussy to obtain the attention I have always dreamed of…and the voice I never had. Though my pussy loves to be played with, and she loves the power of being able to control the thoughts and actions of others, the thing that keeps her alive and well in the porn industry is that she is constantly nourished with the attention she needs to stay alive and to keep her owner satisfied.