A New Look

My blog got a major facelift — its second since I started it — and I like how it turned out. The panda girls might be a little overwhelming. And kinda creepy. But creepy in a good way. You might have noticed it was a blank slate most of yesterday, but I got things fixed with the help of a WordPress guru (WordPress is the blogging software I use).

Sometimes I wonder if I’d be happier doing something else for a living.

I went and saw the new Planet of the Apes flick Saturday night. Afterwards I found myself at Amoeba, where I always tend to gravitate towards whenever I’m in Hollywood. I walked out with another Fucked Up record called “The Chemistry of Common Life”, which I haven’t even gotten a chance to listen to — yet.

Sometimes I wonder if I’m wasting my life making dirty movies.

I finally got my medicinal marijuana card. I went to the Adult Exxpo with The Minion a couple weekends ago, and there was a doctor at the convention giving $60 consultations — a bargain. I filled out some paperwork, and by the time I was done The Doc was ready to see me. He was a nice guy, but he looked just like how you’d imagine. I told him about my anxiety issues, and my shitty, sleepless nights, as well as my issues with Restless Leg Syndrome. I struggled with all this stuff before I started self-medicating a few years ago. Now, I’m legal.

Sometimes I wonder if I have the best job in the world.

Speaking of The Minion, I had lunch with him today at Greenblatt’s. Our pal Johnny Fender joined us. I dined on the knockwurst and beans; The Minion enjoyed a corned beef sandwich and a potato knish; Fender had a bowl of Matzo Ball Soup on my recommendation, as well as 1/2 a sandwich…but I can’t remember what kind of sandwich he ordered. I like eating at Greenblatt’s cause the food is was better than Canter’s, and I almost always have a decent celebrity sighting when I eat there.

Sometimes I wonder if I’ll ever have a relationship doing what I do for a living.

I only wonder about that cause I talked to a Pornographer Pal of mine who just ended his relationship. He makes POV porn and found a girl he liked a whole lot. She was porno, too. He was totally into her — so much so he kinda quit doing scenes, and he moved her into his place. 2 1/2 weeks later he paid her to leave, packed her stuff into boxes, and shipped them back to the mid-west. He’s now on Match.com.

Sometimes I wonder if I have the best job in the world.

Fetishes never made sense to me until I got older. All through my 20’s and 30’s it was all about fucking. Then I got bored with it. Don’t get me wrong — I still like sex, but fetish fun is way more interesting. Sex gets boring. So far, fetishes haven’t.