I’m Just Thinkin’ a Bit. Specifically for a Title to Today’s Entry.

I was thinking about getting rid of cable TV and keeping my Netflix account and getting a Hulu “Plus” account, too.
I bought a new printer recently, and I’m having a blast making prints of some of my pictures…but I won’t go as far as calling my pictures “photographs”.
Maggie is 8 1/2 years old and suffers from hip dysplasia; it’s so bad her front legs are starting to go, as they’ve been over-compensating for her weak hind legs. We spoon a lot, but I never slip it in. She’s called me a tease more than once.
I’d guestimate I spend about 85% of my free time alone, and out of that time, I’d say I’m lonely 10% of the time, and taking that 10% into consideration, I’d say 95% of it is between 10pm and when I go to sleep, which varies between midnight and 2 am.
One of the great songs: The Damned’s “New Rose” — but I’m not a big fan of theirs. Same goes (on both counts) for “(I’m) Stranded” by The Saints.
Thinking of those two songs makes me take back all the bad things I ever said about 70’s music.
When I was a kid, my first foray into music was WLS MUSICRADIO 89; this is the top 5 songs they played for the week ending September 7, 1974, and revisiting this list makes me think of sitting in the passenger seat as mom drove us to The Museum of Science and Industry: “(You’re) Having My Baby”, “The Night Chicago Died”, “I Shot the Sheriff”, “Tell Me Something Good” (Rufus!), and “Feel Like Makin’ Love”.
The Minion started blogging. Go check him out.
People take porn way too seriously.
I’m totally slacking on yoga practice. This is why I’ve been uptight lately.
John Updike once said Death, Sex, and Art are the three Great Mysteries in life, and I agree with him…but I’d like to add The Fourth Great Mystery: relationships. Wait…maybe “Sex” covers relationships. Yes, in fact, it does. So there is no Fourth Great Mystery.
I’m hoping people start dumping their books cheap and using that money to buy Kindles and iPads and whatever other sort of e-Readers are out there, just like people dumped their records in the mid-to-late 80’s to buy CD’s; this time, I’m gonna buy all the books I can and not fall for the same trick I did in 1985.
I like Kindles and iPads and whatever other sort of e-Readers are out there, cause they facilitate reading. But I like books way better. Tangibility goes a long way.
I want to lose 35 pounds, so when I’m 200, my penis will appear to be an inch longer. (Note: my good health takes second place to the size of my ween.)
I lost my virginity my junior year, but I got blown two months after I turned 15 — the middle of my freshman year. This was February ’79, and her name was Diana, and I remember thinking how awesome her wet vagina felt wrapped around my middle finger while she sucked me off in the back seat of my dad’s ’75 Pontiac convertible after The Parada del Sol — a car I still own to this day.
Diana would come over to “help” me with my math, and I’d bring her into my room with my closet door open, cause I had a floor-to-ceiling mirror affixed to the back of that door, which was a very pervy way way to watch her blow me, cause usually she’d kinda rest her head on my stomach to do it, and that totally obstructed the view of my dick going in and out of her mouth. I can’t believe my parents would actually let that fly — closing the bedroom door while she was over, I mean.
Diana swallowed without question, every single time, which led me to believe every girl in the whole wide world behaved the same way.
I’d often play side 2 of Pink Floyd’s Animals when Diana came over to help me with math.
My math ended at Algebra 2, my junior year. I simply couldn’t do it. I did great with Geometry my sophomore year, though. Which makes sense. Cause if A = B, and B = C, then A has to equal C.
I still love Wilco; however, I’m on the hunt for a new favorite band to obsess over.
Yes, those are army-man PJ’s I’m wearing as I bury my face into the ass of a beautiful Porno Princess; her butt hole smelled as glorious as an Easter Sunday brunch. The Minion suggested she don The Panda Mask, and then he snapped the pic.
I want to see Captain America, but I’m not a big fan of super-hero movies. I did read a lot of comics growing up though, and Daredevil was my favorite, cause it made sense to me that no one would suspect a blind dude to be a super hero. Hulk was a close second.
Here’s an interesting article on porn piracy, which, as you know, I’ve talked about more than once in the past.
Here’s a list of all the musicians who have died at 27 — the “27 Club”.
Right now, as I wrap this post, my cleaning crew is about to start sanitizing my studio, which is the best money I spend on a regular basis; and my iTunes, perpetually set on “shuffle”, is serving up “Teen Age Riot” — another great song.
With this post, I’m 9 away from 1,000. Not that anyone’s paying attention. Except me.
Porn Star Screen Test #9: Alexia Skye
“Rehab” — Amy Winehouse

Super agent Mark Spiegler woke me up this morning with a text: “Amy Winehouse is dead”.
Which makes perfect sense.
And it’s a shame.
I bought tickets to an Amy Winehouse show a few days after I originally blogged this; she was set to play Spaceland, which is a venue in LA that has a capacity of maybe 400 people — half of which would be able to stand in front of the stage to see the show. She ended up cancelling, which left me with a decision: return the two tickets and get my $36 back…or keep them as a collectible. Her reputation was already spreading, and I remember thinking something along the lines of — this girl is gonna wind up dead — so The Collector in me held the tickets in lieu of my refund.
This blog’s original air date: March 3, 2007.
Amy Winehouse is a hot piece of British ass, and I want to fuck her very badly.
Which, of course, will never happen.
It’s not because of that long, brunette face, or her super-hip überlicious arm tats that make my dick so stiff. It’s not cause she’s a trouble maker, or a drunk, or heckled Bono durning an awards show…although all that certainly helps.
Maybe I don’t want to fuck Amy Winehouse as much as I wanna fuck whoever came up with — and sang — “Rehab”. Before you read any further, maybe you should go to her myspace and click on the video of her belting the motherfucker out — an acapella version, no less.
Is it OK for a Jewish Girl to sing like a Black Girl? When she has a bee hive sitting on top of her head?
They tried to make me go to rehab but I said no, no, no /
Yes I been blind but when I come back you’ll know, know, know /
I ain’t got the time /
And if my daddy thinks I’m fine /
You tried to make me go to rehab but I won’t go, go, go.
I was never a huge Motown fan. I mean I appreciate what was happening there, and sure, I can appreciate Berry Gordy and Phil Spector and the whole she-bang. And I certainly hate things that are obvious and clichéd, so I find myself hating this piece of writing because I can’t come up with anything original or even remotely interesting to say about Amy Winehouse and her song that I love so much right now.
I don’t ever want to drink again /
I just, ooh I just need a friend /
I’m not gonna spend ten weeks /
And have everyone think I’ve gone mad.
When I first heard “Rehab” on Sirius 26, I thought it was some sort of lost gem from, say, 1968…an obscure girl group gem that fell through the cracks and was lost all this time. I was alone, as usual, in my porno studio, after a long day full of smutty adventures. I was reading, I think, and when “Rehab” came on I immediately checked the LCD thingy my radio has to make sure I was on the right station…and then, of course, to see who the fuck was singing it.
And it’s not just my pride /
It’s just til these tears have dried
They tried to make me go to rehab but I said no, no, no /
Yes I been blind but when I come back you’ll know, know know /
I ain’t got the time /
And if my daddy thinks I’m fine /
You tried to make me go to rehab but I won’t go, go, go.
Fuck it. I like this song so much I just changed out my reseller link with a pic of the CD on Amazon to buy it for the YouTube video of the song. And I don’t care if you’re a boy or a girl…I challenge you to keep your pants on while you watch it.
And Amy, please come to Los Angeles and my porno studio so I can have my way with you…I don’t care if you’re a size 8 or 18, I just wanna fuck you silly. I’ll even buy dinner afterward and hold your hand and we can pretend to be a couple. And after sex and food we can go to Amoeba and look through the new arrival bin for vinyl tricks and treats…oh, my love!
A Chat with Ami.
The Girl in a Panda Mask

Porn Star Screen Test #8: Bobbi Starr
Interview with a Porn Star (#87): Kerry Louise

Kerry Louise: Yes. It’s been a hectic, mad two years. I’m in England, then I’m in America. Non-stop. Lots of slutty porn and massive dicks. Lots of dead children, too. That’s what I call spunk…it’s my beautiful saying. “Dead Children”.
ISP: Do you feel porn exploited you for the last two years of your life? Or, as Johnny Rotten said to the crowd at the “last” Sex Pistols show — do you feel cheated?
KL: No way! I’ve gotten to travel, explore my sexuality, and live a life I wouldn’t have been able to live.
ISP: I love it when girls leave this business with positive experiences.
KL: I don’t have any regrets in life. Everything I’ve done has made me who I am. Porn’s been able to put me on the path to open my own gym and become a personal trainer, which is what I’ve always wanted to do.
ISP: In other words, porn didn’t exploit you…you exploited porn.
KL: Exactly. I’ve used it to get where I want in life.
ISP: It’s so funny how many girls get into this business to do just that…then squander their money and figure out a way this business has turned them into a “victim”. What made you want to open and gym and be a personal trainer?
KL: I like to help people and enable them to look and feel good about themselves. Also, my goal is to be a competitive bodybuilder.
ISP: What turned out to be your favorite scene over the last two years?
KL: The humiliation stuff. I did a Cum Disgrace scene with Porn Pros that is one of my favs. I love getting messy and being filthy. The extreme stuff.
ISP: What’s your damage?
KL: I have zero damage. I wasn’t sexually abused or raped growing up. People say this on Twitter, and I find that silly. So because someone has a sexually-oriented job means they were abused as a child? That’s bullshit.
ISP: What’s something a partner can do that pleases you almost all the time?
KL: I like rough sex. I like to be choked out and spat upon. I just like to be treated like a slut while I’m being fucked. I like it when my partner upsets me during sex; for example I like rape sex. Dragging me around. Being called filthy names. All that. It’s funny how this business makes you have crazy sexual desires. Normal sex is standard, everyday, twice-a-day sex. Like work sex.
ISP: Work sex?
KL: Like being at work. Being on a porn set.
ISP: What do you get out of blogging?
KL: I find it as my way of letting out everything I think. I like to let people know what I’m up to.
ISP: What do you get out of Twitter?
KL: I get to voice my opinion…quite a lot. And when people piss me off, I get to tell them about it. I love to tell The Keyboard Warriors off when they say something about porn girls.
ISP: Why are British girls so fuckin’ filthy?
KL: We just are. Do you think we’re more filthy than American girls?
ISP: Absolutely. I think all European girls are.
KL: I think all European girls are filthy. You’re right. I think the Eastern Europeans are filthier than the all of us. And I have no idea why.
ISP: I bet it has something to do with the cold weather. While you were in porn, what couldn’t I book you for?
KL: Anal.
ISP: How come?
KL: I don’t do it on set, but I do it in my private life. Honestly, I don’t think I’d be able to handle the guys’ dicks in porn up my ass.
ISP: What’s something no one’s ever asked you before?
KL: I don’t know. That’s suck a broad question.
ISP: How do you prefer your eggs?
KL: Perfect! No one’s ever asked me that before in a porno interview. I’m always up for randomness! I like my eggs fried.
ISP: You’re developing a site. What’s makes it different from all the other solo/porno girl sites out there?
KL: It’s a messy sex site. Lotsa food while fucking. The messy stuff…but I need ideas for my site!
The Minion: Stay away from maple syrup.
KL: OK! So mustard, ketchup, ice cream?
The Minion: Ice cream sounds good right about now.
ISP: I’ve got an average, 6 inch ween. Any way I can stick it up your bum?
KL: Nooo! You probably can’t afford my ass anyway.

The Girl in a Panda Mask

A Few Things I Love in my Life, Lately.

Porn Star Screen Tests: Is it OK to like stuff I’ve done? Even though I totally ripped-off Andy Warhol? Maybe not. So, instead I’ll just say how much I love the various reactions these are receiving, from a “waste of time” to…no reaction at all. Porn Star Screen Test #1 — Kristina Rose — went mini-viral (someone in Spain liked it enough to spread the word) and it racked up 50,000+ views in a few days, of which 20 people “liked” it. 5 times as many people didn’t like it (almost 100), which means the other 49,000 others didn’t even bother to rate it. I have to call this a success. There’s 25 (or so) left to post, and I shot them all in the fall of ’09. I can’t wait to see what you guys think of the rest. Or don’t think about ’em.
Andy Warhol’s Soup Cans: Why not stop with the screen tests? For the first time since 1962, the complete set of Soup Cans is back in LA. Bet you didn’t know Andy’s first show was in LA. Bet you didn’t the show consisted of these 32 cans. You might know the art gallery across the street was so insulted with the show, they put 32 real soup cans in the window with some sort of snarky remark about being able to at least eat the soup in their window. Bet you didn’t know Dennis Hopper was one of the few who bought one…but the gallery owner felt it was best to sell all 32 as a set, so he had to call Hopper and ask for his back. Then he sold all 32 to another dealer for $1100 ($35 a piece). In 1995, that dealer sold them to the Museum of Modern Art in NYC for $15,000,000 ($468,750 a piece). And now they’re back! I’ve already gone to see them once. I’ll go a few more times.
Michael Lohan’s behavior on Celebrity Rehab: So in one of their first group meetings, Amy Fisher (now bookable through Shy Love’s agency!) boo-hoo’d about how rehab was “like prison”. Which set off Steven Adler, to the point where I almost listed his behavior here…until Michael Lohan went off. Wow, was he pissed! Lohan started in about how, at his prison, the inmates were so terrible they actually “drew pictures” of his wife and daughter with wieners in their mouths; which, to me, is standard middle-school behavior. Looking back at it now, I was one of those dudes who drew silly pics of girls blowing dick. In fact, if Lindsay Lohan was in my 8th grade English class, I woulda been the kid drawing Lindsay blowing a goat…but only after she turned me down for Friday Night’s dance. Anyway, retelling such a horrid story made Mr. Lohan run to the bathroom and barf. No…he didn’t barf. It was more like a Power Hurl. All over the place. Which is what I woulda hoped an 8th grade Lindsay woulda done when I handed her my picture…but we all know now an 8th grade girl can handle that sort of nonsense much better than Mr. Lohan did on what is my favorite vice of late: Celebrity Rehab.
Girlvert: A Porno Memoir — I first met Ashley Blue in the fall of 2002, at Dogfart’s secret Mansion, way up high in the hills of Malibu overlooking the Pacific Ocean. I didn’t shoot her until 2010, when she was the star of an Interracial BlowBang scene. In between, we’d run into each other every now and then….mostly when our porno circles came together. Which is to say hardly ever. I went to the book release party a few weeks ago, which was a hoot, but even better yet is Ashley’s book. Ori’s book. Whatever. It is the greatest thing a porno person has achieved with something outside of porn. Her book is better than all of her scenes put together, and if you guys like reading my blog, you’ll love Girlvert. I say that cause most of the people who like I Shoot Porn like it cause of the “insider’s look” on porn. The one thing I can never, ever do is nail what goes on inside the mind of a porno princess. Ashley Blue sure did. Girlvert should be required reading for each and every girl before she gets into this biz. If I was King of Porno, you’d have to pass a test on Girlvert before you were allowed to be booked for your first scene. But then again, if I was King of Porno, you wouldn’t be able to perform your first scene til you were 21. But that’s a different blog.