Super fun e-Mails: Lie Your Ass off, Billy!

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Lola writes:

I had a professor who found his wife on He is a devout Christian (allegedly) who teaches Tort Law, which he never seems to really understand or be able to explain in more complex terms than “A hits B, B sues.” She is a psychologist who seemed like she was fed up with her Jewish mother telling her to get married, so she got married. Where I’m going with this is that “what do you do for a living” was the first and probably only thing they could have possibly asked each other considering that he can’t put a sentence together and she has nothing in common with him.

You would have to either tell her before you ever met her what it is that you really do, or come up with better lies.

I think you should just come up with better lies. For example, “I write a blog about entertainment.” You don’t have to be Perez Hilton for people to respect it. And it is true because people watch porn for entertainment and well, you do write a blog. I guess you would have to eventually confess your employment situation, but that could be years from now. And if she wants to read the blog, tell her she’s gotta find it herself. Nothing wrong with that.

So I registered with OK Cupid a few weeks ago, after I blogged about wanting to find a non-whore girlfriend; and upon signing in creating a user name, a sudden wave a depression hit. I can’t really explain it, but all of a sudden I felt an overwhelming need to log off and walk away from my lap top.

Then, after a few minutes –and still feeling mighty blue — I logged back in.

Actually, I can explain it now that I think more about it; the whole idea of creating a user name drove me nuts. And completing a profile made me wanna jump off a bridge.

Not really, but you know what I mean.

User name: do I just give myself a straightforward name (Billy Watson) or something witty or fun or cutesy-pie? After reading through some of these ads, it seems like it’s all about being witty or fun or cutesy-pie.


I logged off and haven’t logged back in.

I was gonna blog about setting up a user name and a profile, and then address Lola’s advice about lying my ass off, but since that didn’t happen, why not tell you about the time I asked a Porno Princess to be my girlfriend? I mean it’s related, right? Plus, it’s a decent segue from setting up an OKCupid account to find a girlfriend…and actually asking one to be my girlfriend…so why not?

Porno Princess and I were pals for quite sometime — maybe even two or three years. In all that time we never banged. Never once fucked around. Never did anything but hang out as friends and enjoy each others’ company. Which I really liked, for the most part. Then, one night not that long ago, we were over at her house, drinking wine and watching Chelsea Handler. I’m not a huge fan of Ms. Handler, but she is — basically cause she kinda is Chelsea Handler, if you know what I mean: an aging, bitter chick who’s pissed at the world, and in order to cope with her issues simply makes jokes at everyone’s expense; in fact, the only real difference between my Porno Princess Pal and Chelsea Handler is Chelsea got her own show.

Anyway, we’re watching Chelsea, and I’m a little wine drunk and feeling…well, kinda like I wanted a girlfriend. Which is to say it wasn’t all about banging as much as “hey, we would make a good couple” — which, if I remember correctly, were my exact words.

“No room for old men!” she shrieked.

We were laying down on her bed, next to each other. I looked into her eyes and said, “excuse me?”

This time she shrieked a littler louder and repeated herself: “No room for old men!” Then, she jumped out of bed and scooped up her chihuahua and walked out of her room and out of her tiny apartment and down to the front yard. I was taken back, not because she declined my advance, but only because she played the age game.

This coming from a shot-out Porno Princess who’s approaching 35.

I laid in bed for a second, feeling more awkward and silly than I had in recent memory. SO I left. And on my way past her in the front yard, I don’t remember what I said, but I wanted to say something like “really? I mean really?!” But I didn’t.

And I didn’t hear from her for a few weeks. When she did call, she let me know I had been put on a two week “probation” for my behavior, which, to this day, kinda befuddles me. I mean it would be one thing if I reached over and grabbed a tit and blurted out, “let’s fuck!”

“Um…all I asked is if you wanted to be a couple,” I said.

“You wanted to bang!” she quipped.

“No. Not at all. I asked if you wanted to be my girlfriend.”

She asked, “Isn’t that the same thing?”

Not even close. We all know that. Like I even need to explain the difference — which I didn’t. I just kinda bit my lip and just rolled my eyes as we ended our conversation, and not too long after this all went down, and in a completely different story that features a lot more bad behavior on her part and has nothing to do with what I just told you, I ended our friendship.

Funny thing is, I’ve kinda missed her ever since.

A Few Things I Love, Lately…

Stephanie Cane and Flash Brown
Check out Flash Brown standing next to wee lil’ Stephanie Cane. I dunno why, but I love that pic — even more than the pics I’ve been shooting lately of nekkid girls wearing my panda mask.

Maybe not…

The Flaming Lips (and Stardeath and White Dwarfs with Henry Rollins and Peaches) performing The Dark Side of the Moon: When I was in middle school, I used to turn on my black lights and lay in bed and stare at my black light posters and listen to The Dark Side of The Moon and wonder how 4 dudes could make such a thing. In high school, I used to invite girls over and bring them into my room and turn on the black light and play Dark Side and make out, and I’d wonder how 4 dudes could make such a thing…along with wondering how soft and great a girl felt. Until my junior year, when I first heard The Clash, upon which I immediately dismissed Pink Floyd and lost the black light and the black light posters and I’d sit in my room and listen to London Calling and wonder how 4 dudes could make such a thing. I haven’t really paid attention to The Dark Side of the Moon until I saw Flaming Lips doing it, and they hired Peaches and Henry Rollins to join along — and now that’s all I’ve been listening to.

Twitter: Yea, I jumped on the bandwagon late, but as for delivering information directly to me concerning all the stuff I love — live music and book signings and shit like that — nothing beats it. Maybe I’ll even start following people (as opposed to places) soon.

Skylight Books: The book — and reading in general — is on life support and not far from death. Last weekend, at The Santa Monica Book Fair, as I was pouring over vintage smut and rare beatnik books, one of the sellers told me his sales resembled “post-apocalyptic levels”. Which is to say he wasn’t selling a thing. And I have no problem with e-readers, cause it’s facilitating reading. I know, too, that it’s tough for a book about, say, killing zombies, to compete with actually killing them on your TV with joystick in hand. But I weep for the book, and I do every time I leave my very favorite neighborhood indie store, even after spending too much money there. Cause I’m one of the few left. Who knows though…maybe, in 20 years, people will start buying books again…just like they’re buying records now.

Naked Girls in Panda Masks: My porno pal Steve Steele, AKA Johnny Ampleseed, AKA Android, AKA Dr. John Harvard, AKA Dr. Mesmer, recently moved far, far away. Relocating from the US to an Eastern European country is no easy feat, and he gave away a lot more than he brought to his new home. On the top of his Give-Away Pile was a panda mask, which I immediately grabbed. Then started shooting naked girls performing mundane tasks wearing the panda mask, just cause I think it looks kinda cool. For some reason, I can’t stop now.

American Dreams: The United States Since 1945: HW Brands book doesn’t bore me, which most history books tend to do, mainly cause he hits each topic which a couple sharp jabs and then moves on to The Next. No getting bogged down with hairy details, which has always been my problem when someone’s lecturing me about our past.

The Mat: What’s gayer? That I love my new yoga mat — or I bought it at a store called LuLu Lemon? That’s right, I shop at Lulu Lemon. No Way Am I Gay! My new mat doesn’t get slippery when I’m sweating all over it, making Down Dog so much easier. And the packaging my new mat came in might be the gayest, most-Hippy packaging I’ve ever seen: “Friends are more important than money” and “Jealousy works the opposite way you want it” and “Stress is related to 99% of all illness” are just some of the friendly reminders printed all over the box.

“Water flushes unwanted toxins from your body and keeps your brain sharp.”

“Listen, listen, listen! And then ask strategic questions!”

“The world is changing at such a rapid rate that waiting to implement changes will leave you two steps behind.”

Ever think you’d be getting such awesome advice from a porno blog?

The Girl in a Panda Mask

Interview with a Porn Star (#78) — Lynn Love

Lynn Love interview with a porn star
I Shoot Porn: Where’d ya get all that booty?

Lynn Love: It came from my mom’s side of the family. My mom’s got a big ol’ ass!

ISP: Does she know you’re in the biz?

LL: No. She would die. She’s very conservative, very “sex is bad”. She’s just the opposite of me. My mom would literally die.

ISP: What does she think you’re doing in LA?

LL: Visiting friends. I come to LA for a week or two and then leave. She really doesn’t ask.

ISP: Your friends know?

LL: Yes, cause they saw one of my scenes. A scene from 8th Street Latinas. I’ll never forget. I’m sitting in class and this guy walks in and says, “tight work on that new video, Lynn Love!” My heart just about dropped. I asked him, “what are you talking about?” He told me not to act stupid. All the perverted guys in class heard him, and they pulled out their cell phones and searched Lynn Love. They all knew saw it. All the girls in class were like, “ewwww!” They didn’t like it. The guys did, though.

ISP: What are you studying?

LL: I’m undecided. I have no idea what I want to study. Mayne Interior Design.

ISP: Why do you think Twitter is so popular?

LL: I dunno. Cause people are nosy and want to get in everyone’s business.

ISP: Gotta dude?

LL: Not now, but if the right guy came along…

ISP: Gotta girl?

LL: Yes, and she’s my best friend. We do everything together. We go to the movies together, eat together, we take showers and baths together…we shave each others legs.

ISP: Do you shave each others pussies?

LL: I don’t trust her to shave my pussy. She’d probably cut me. She’s clumsy. She’d probably think that would be funny.

ISP: You mentioned you’re in ass training.

LL: Yes. I want to start doing anal — maybe next week. So, I walk around the house with a butt plug. I’ll even go to the supermarket with my butt plug in. I fuck myself with dildoes.

ISP: Are you aware you’ve got a butt plug jammed up your ass while you’re, say…in the frozen foods section?

LL: I completely forget it’s there.

ISP: Which means you’re probably ready for A.

LL: If it was bigger. I need a bigger plug. Mine right now is about this big (she holds up two fingers) — but I need one about this big (holds up four fingers).

ISP: I can invade your colon with my dick.

LL: (Ignoring me) I want to be abe to fist my own ass. That’s all I want for Christmas.

ISP: Who do you hang out with?

LL: My best friend I was telling you about earlier — Vanessa Lee. She’s got a big booty, too. We have this rule — let’s say we go out to a club…if either of us picks up a guy, and we take them back home, he has to fuck both of us. Not just one of us. If he doesn’t want to, too bad. Fuck that. He’s out.

ISP: And you’ve actually had to kick someone out of your house for that?

LL: Oh yea. I chose this guy, and brought him home, and we were just about to start fucking when I told him: “You have to fuck my best friend, too.” He said, “What do you mean?” And I told you have to fuck me and Vanessa. He said he was only into me, and he thought it was weird…and he said no. I called him a faggot and told him to leave.

ISP: That makes perfect sense. He’s obviously gay.

LL: (laughs) And listen to this! If one of us isn’t in the mood, we still have to watch each other fuck. There’s no privacy in our house. One time, she was having sex with this guy and I had passed out from too many Jägers. So she’s banging my head while she’s riding the guy so I’ll wake up and watch. She was slapping my ass and pulling my hair yelling, “Watch! Watch! Look what I’m doing!” I’m pretty sure the guy though we were crazy. Guys normally think we’re too much.

ISP: Can I fly out to Miami and make that decision myself?

LL: Yea…we’d definitely fuck you! We can call it charity work. (She laughed — I didn’t).

Lynn Love interview with a porn star

Billy Watson, Tweet Machine.

Billy Watson Twitter Page
So I now Tweet.

Or do I Twitter?

What’s the past tense of Twitter? Is it Tweeted?

And is what I do on a daily basis merit your attention? Who knows…I avoided the Twitter thing for so long; now I feel kinda dumb. Like The Dork who joined the party way too late.

So why even join?

I guess if there’s some traffic to be had, that’s cool, cause in the end I’m a traffic whore. And a dork.

I guess I’ll do the same thing everyone in the porno game does with their Tweets: pics of nude chicks, drama, and more pics of nude chicks.

Cause, in the end, that’s all you care about anyway, right?

Today’s Clusterfuck

Jessie Andrews POV sex movies
Whenever I’m having One Of Those Days, it usually means things have gone awry on set, which I sometimes refer to as a clusterfuck.

When I was a school teacher and had a clusterfuck, it usually meant discipline problems. When things went awry as a stockbroker, it meant I had a “sell-out”. (A sell-out (AKA “DK”) is when the client confirms a trade, and then gets cold feet and backs out — and doesn’t pay for the stock they bought). Same when I sold cars; when the deal fell through my day was totally fucked.

Like I need to actually explain this to you? You deal with clusterfucks all the time — it’s part of life.

But in Porno Land, when things have “gone awry”, you know it makes for a good story.

For example, I once decided to give a new dude a shot at being a Stunt Cock, which I seldom do. He showed up 3 hours late; at that point, his tardiness didn’t concern me at all, because he had already been replaced and his number deleted from my phone. Too bad the dope found his way into my studio, cause the next thing you know I’m calling 911 to have The Angry Black Man forcibly removed from my set by the Po-Po…which was fun in of itself: “911 Operator? Yes mam, I have an angry Negro who won’t leave my porno studio. He snuck in and he’s been here almost an hour now and he’s totally holding up production cause he wants to bang so bad he’d rather risk getting arrested for trespassing than simply leaving….could you please send an officer over here ASAP?”

For example, once my pal Nicky Milo had a girl orgasm really really hard on set, causing a turd to fly out of her butt. We lovingly refer to this as his “Almond Roca Story”; and, I might add, not really a clusterfuck for anyone else except The Girl Who Orgasmed So Hard Poo Flew Out of Her Butt.

For example, this happened just two days ago: a Stunt Cock was banging a girl super hard (this wasn’t on my set), and his cock slipped out, which he didn’t realize, and instead of slamming it back into her vagina, his wiener slammed into her butt — and with such force his penis exploded. Screaming in pain, he was taken off set in a stretcher by EMT’s. I shit you not, and I’m guessing he was using CAVERJECT®, boner medicine that’s super strong…CAVERJECT® is kinda like Viagra on steroids. And did the dick literally explode? Probably not…but I’m sooo fucking glad I wasn’t there to witness the mess.

Talk about clusterfucks.

Today Porno Princess shows up, looking mighty might cute. But she “doesn’t feel well”. Now, I shot Porno Princess on Monday for Cuckols Sessions, and she did great. I took her out to the glory hole on Wednesday. She kicked ass. But on both days she was “nervous” about today’s scene, cause for the very first time she was going to entertain three gentlemen.

Three African-American gentlemen.

Three very well-hung African Americans.

Ever observe human behavior? Of course you have, but I mean kinda like all scientific-like. If I had to do school all over again, I’d do the Psychology thing now, especially after spending 8 years in this whacky biz. I like to watch people deal with something they don’t wanna deal with. Like today’s Porno Princess. She didn’t want to fuck 3 dudes. Not really. Which, of course, doesn’t mean she was being forced to do anything. In her perfect world (and most Porno Princesses’), someone would just hand her a check for $1500…just cause.

Today my Porno Princess shows up on set with none of the wardrobe she was asked to bring. (To which I had her agent drive her to the Whore Stores on Hollywood BLVD so she could buy the correct wardrobe). But she can’t find any Whore Stores on Hollywood BLVD. Then, when she got back from the store she couldn’t find, she’s “cold”.

Then, she wants to sleep.

Then, she’s hungry.

Then, she’s tired.

Then, she doesn’t like her make-up.

Then, she’s sick.

Then, she’s more sick. And crabby. And really cold. (My studio has no AC…temperature as she’s complaining about the cold — a very chilly 86F).

Suddenly, we find out one of my Stunt Cocks won’t make today’s scene. He was an hour late, and he called to tell me he was gonna be another hour late, which is just another dumb way to get out of a job you really don’t want…so I told him not to bother.

So now I’ve got a B/B/G when suddenly my Porno Princess starts feeling better. And not so cold anymore!

We go to set, where there’s more fun awaiting: one of the Stunt Cocks can’t get his cock hard. He beats and beats and beats, but I think there’s too much blood in his eyes from the blunt he smoked…which is to say there’s none left for anyplace else.

Oh! Where’s the CAVERJECT® when you need it?? And did you guys actually read the CAVERJECT® info from the link? You inject that shit. It makes me think even though I love pussy more than almost anything — including my birthday, Christmas Morning, Wilco, and breakfast-for-dinner — I don’t think I like pussy enough to have to stick a needle in my wee wee in order to fuck it.

My day ended with a reschedule; I’ll shoot the scene tomorrow — hopefully. In the mean time, I think I’m gonna go jog around the reservoir a few more times…cause don’t you know my OK Cupid profile is only 30% complete.