I live in Porn Valley, and my place is in one of those large apartment communities. We have a common area. It’s the place we can hang out, barbecue and just chill. Socially distanced, too, which for me is a good thing.
Last Sunday, a New Girl showed up to our little party and introduced herself. Then she turned at looked at me. “What do you do for a living?”
For most people, it’s not a loaded question. Unlike most people, I have an usual occupation. It’s the kind of job either someone loves — or loathes. Like being a cop. Or a lawyer.
What’s some of the questions a person asks when they’re making a new friend? Name? Age? Occupation?
Something along those lines.
We can start off relationships (of any kind) with a lie — or the truth. When it comes to my occupation, depending on who asked, I used to lie. Now, I tell The Truth.
Here’s my reply — every single time now: I make dirty movies.
It’s a risky proposition. Either I’m The Champ or The Creep. This time I’m the champ. “Oh my god no way! You really do?!”
“Yes, he really does,” my neighbor The Fashion Photog replies. “Don’t you like the way Billy says it, too? Kinda cute huh? I make dirty movies.”
The Fashion Photog is broke. I’m not. Sometimes I think he’s kinda…aggravated with me?
Later, when the chair next to her opens up, New Girl eyes me, taps on the chair and kinda tilts her head to say, come sit by me.
Which I do. Of course. She’s cute. She’s age appropriate. And listening to her up til this point in the evening?
She’s interesting.
Turns out she’s a Dogfart fan, too. Doesn’t take too long before she tells me that. A huge Dogfart fan. Loves the way the models’ skin tones contrast. Loves BBC. Loves DP’s and double vag. “Especially double vag!” Loves gang bangs and blow bangs. Oh yea — “I love watching girls eating pussy, too! OK OK! Lemme guess! Dogfart from Dawg like they’re cool dudes and fart cause they butt fuck the girls all the time?!”
I say something like, “Well, for 17 years, I made those movies, and if you want me to go into the history of the name Dogfart…sure, I can do that too,” but all time time I’m thinking — maybe she’s The One!
Not like “the one The One”, but more like maybe I’ve got a shot at a civilian girlfriend! Someone who’s cool with what I do. Someone who won’t ask me to quit a month into the relationship. Someone who won’t bust my balls after I get home from a long day at work.
And as I’m fantasizing about all this, she mentions my other fan. “My husband loves your work, too! He’s a huge fan! You have to meet him! Oh my gosh sometimes we’ll make fun of one another when we jump on our tablet and go through the browser’s history to see what we’ve been pervin’ out on over at X Vids or XNXX! He’s the best!”